I tried using my Li'l Cindi photo, but it doesn't have enough pixels. So I moved up a notch and used a Not So Li'l Cindi photo. Not knowing which celebs are in the mix can be a bit daunting - is Boris Karloff going to pop up? Edward G. Robinson? Lassie? Am I going to live this down? Or better yet, maybe Grace Kelly will show up. Perhaps my collage will be me and 10 Grace Kelly's! I took Snark up on her dare and here's what I got:
MyHeritage - free family trees, genealogy and face recognition">
The pictures popped up and life is good! Meg....Annie....Molly....Mickey...Mickey? Mickey Mantle???? It's all very scientific, I'm sure, so yeah. Mickey. At least he popped up before Renee. Besides, Snarky has Fred Astaire in her collage. She never mentioned anything about being a tap dancer, so there must be some feature recognition thing - maybe her top hat or tails. Stop by and take a look!
Want to have some Sunday fun? Make your own collage. I double dog dare you! Who do you most resemble among the rich and famous? Just click on the collage. I triple dog dare you!
you just know i am going to take your triple dare, don't ya? i am also haelping senita and joe to pack for the orient express tomorrow....
tried it but couldn't do it, i got some very formal site asking for my (real) name and family history....help....
Comedy Goddess was doing this yesterday, so I tried it and it was very flattering (which, for this thing, just means no men showed up in my collage).
Fun idea!
Interesting... Mickey Mantle???
There is a message from Nana Trish on my blog,
please read and respond to her!
Triple dog dare! I'll just have to do it then!
I'm up for the challenge! Now I have to figure how to do it. ha ha ha
By the way, Meg Ryan, wow~ that is spot on right! But then again, I always knew you were a beauty my friend!
You skipped etiquette and Triple Dog Dared us? Well, I just have to stick my tongue to that frozen pole now.
BTW, you do look a lot like the young Meg Ryan. You don't make scenes in restaurants do you? "Yes, yes, yes ..." [roflol]
Hey, that morph thingy wants my real name and e-mail address! Horrors! Might pass on this one. ♥ ∞
Only thing is you are more beautiful than they are. xooxox
Thank You, I know Trish will appreciate your prayers!!
Well, I'm really tired after a long rainy, do-nothing Sunday, but just might try this...I wonder who I'll end up looking like.
Sorry sparky - I figured if Snarky could do the double dare I was okay to just jump to the triple! I'll be watchng for all of you to post your look alikes - should be veddy interesting!
Fabulous celebrity-look-alike collage! Awesome line up, beautiful woman you!
The lovely Comedy Goddess is the one who dog dared me to do this yesterday. It is fabulous to the that dare spread like this, and multiplied!
Ok, I took your dare. Now I dare's ya to see my collage. tee hee Tea Time With Melody said I'd better shave before having the pics done and it worked! No guy resemblances, all gals. :o) ♥ ∞
OMG Kat! I have got to see it? Do you take bribes????
Well you're in good company....cute...
I'll have to see if I have a pic around to try this.
I took this double dog dare the other day . . . At least your top look alike was the same gender as you! I got William Shatner. So sad!
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