
All Aboard who's coming aboard!

Have your paperwork ready. You'll have to show your ticket and your passport.

We are on our way to another bloggy adventure.
Let's stop and have some tea. It's not too early to enjoy a glass of wine. Where do you suppose we are? Are we still in France?

This is the bar - we'll come back a little later and spend some ...uhm...quality time here.
Who are these people? I didn't see that man in the blue suit board, did you? He looks like he has something to say.

The dining car! I hear dinner will be delicious.

And the desserts are so elegant.

After dinner we can relax here in the Pullman car. Who just passed by? Wasn't that Poirot? The detective? He looks a bit concerned about something. Let's go see what he's up to. Did I just hear him say there are missing jewels or did he say there's been a m-u-r-d-e-r!
We can stop for a coffee before we turn in for the night.

We have much to do and see and many stops to make! Some of our passengers would like you to stop and spend some time with them. All you have to do is click on the links below to continue our journey! Have a wonderful time!
Bibi (Belgrade) @ http://yankee-in-belgrade.blogspot.com/


Have your paperwork ready. You'll have to show your ticket and your passport.

We are on our way to another bloggy adventure.


This is the bar - we'll come back a little later and spend some ...uhm...quality time here.


The dining car! I hear dinner will be delicious.

And the desserts are so elegant.

After dinner we can relax here in the Pullman car. Who just passed by? Wasn't that Poirot? The detective? He looks a bit concerned about something. Let's go see what he's up to. Did I just hear him say there are missing jewels or did he say there's been a m-u-r-d-e-r!


I've brought a good mystery to read while we wait to detrain in Istanbul.

We have much to do and see and many stops to make! Some of our passengers would like you to stop and spend some time with them. All you have to do is click on the links below to continue our journey! Have a wonderful time!
Bibi (Belgrade) @ http://yankee-in-belgrade.blogspot.com/
Lavinia @ http://birdbathchronicles.blogspot.com/
Sparky @ http://redbirdacres.blogspot.com/
Janeen @ http://chachaneen.blogspot.com/
Marie (Paris) @ http://www.cpaphilblog.com/
Poetickat @ http://hyggedigter.blogspot.com/
Debra Kay @ http://serroscotty.blogspot.com/ Petra Michelle @ http://petramichelle.blogspot.com/
Soulbrush @ http://soulbrush.blogspot.com/
Nihal (Istanbul) @ http://nihalcrossroads.blogspot.com/
New additions:
(If you are not listed and you have a special post for our journey just leave a comment and I will add your link!)
Some of our participants may still be unpacking - if they don't answer the door to their private suite right away, just come back a little later. Our journey takes us across many time zones and lasts as long as we would like!
oh no - not a murder!!! I can't take the stress, I'm going to have a large drink and go lay down in my train room.
ohhhhh we have had such a catastrophe today...poor senita and joe....we will be thinking of you all ....sigh.....
I'm checking passports over at Gare de l'Est! What's this Musey... Yours expired 10 years ago. I do take bribes:)
Hehe Muse's passport expired! My dear, what a slip up! Good thing Marie is a master forger. And we thought postcards were her only business. Now I can see how she is able to maintain her home on the4 continent!
Definitely starting my journey right now. I'm the one in disguise...see you later. Please list!! Ta ta!!!
Mim, Dr. West has brought plenty of uhm stress management.
Soulbrush - a catastrophe! I am on my way to see what has happened to Senita and Joe!!!!
Marie - how could you tell? because I had the Li'l Cindi picture in my passport? I must find my bag of bribe money...
Stevie bwahahah! yes, now we know and I'm about to pay for her to stay for April and half of May!
Lyn! We will be visiting your private rail car! Can't wait to see you!
Dahling Muse, I was beside myself when I got your post, just giddy with delight! Have you seen my sister Melody? She is supposed to meet us here. Oh Marie, you're here, whew! I need you to translate this note for me, it was with my passport.
Gosh everything looks so yummy! I didn't overpack did I Musey?
Passport? Oh yeah, I should have updated mine. [blush] Ah, never mind. I can buy an update from the steward. At least I have all my tickets in order.
Marie is already trying to abscond with my Emerald Cross! Good thing I have Hercule along. ♥ ∞
Sparky speaks French! She just asked me to sit on a frying pan of red wine... her language skills may be a little rusty...
Omg, I forgot my passport! Please don't leave without me! Be right back!
Muse, everything is posted on http://petramichelle.blogspot.com. Thank you! :))
hehe... People are forgetting their passports right and left! I'm going to make a pretty penny... I mean franc... off of this journey!
Has anyone seen Lavinia? She is going to miss the train if she doesn't stop throwing things into suitcases! 14 is plenty. Ah yes, Marie - how do you say Sparky speaks fractured French in French? She just told me to order her a glass of geese whiskers with a side of robots coffee. I think she meant robust.
Yes, Janeen I did stop by Melody's stateroom a few moments ago. I think we should meet in the Pullman car for "tea".
I think that Debby has the wrong url... or is that Sparky in disguis:)
All abooooooaaaaarrrrddddd!
I'll be boarding the train shortly Musey, don't leave with out me!!! Or my twenty-seven hatboxes!
What a close call! Need to relax and enjoy the luscious breakfast! And the view is breathtaking! Ahhhhhhh!
Thank you Marie - I just noticed it myself! Where is she???? Does she have a passport "glitch???"
Ohhh Lavinia THANK GOODNESS! I was beginning to worry, but I see your 4 wagons loaded with trunks and cases. Melody has the most exquisite necklace...diamonds....we have some "borrowing" to do.
It' never too early for a glass of wine. I will meet you in the pullman car and then back at the bar for another! After my day I need one!
Oh my, you're about to arrive in Istanbul! I can't wait to welcome you all at museum Hotel Pera Palas (http://www.perapalas.com). Many about architecture, history and mystery is hidden at this stylish unique place, and the hotel really caters to the old Orient Express mystique.
Please stay here as much as you can, because a tear would drop from my eyes if you finish it early.
The weather is also great today, another sunshiny clear blue skies and flowers everywhere in the town, oh what a delightful journey:)
Nihal! I am looking forward to seeing you soon!! We are waiting for a few laggards...er I mean Their Latenesses to board but we will be there in no time. We can spend a leisurely day at the museum and then enjoy the sights of your beautiful city!
Melody - ah yes another glass of wine is just what the Dr ordered.
Pant, pant, puff! Okay. I'm here. I brought molasses cookies...pant, puff!
How can you mave mo' lasses cookies when you haven't had no lasses cookies yet?
I'll try to get a post up today. Going to be hard. We're going to collect two loads of firewood. We live in the boonies doncha know...maybe I should just stand in the background, wideeyed and wondering, clutching my credit cards close to my chest.
You are always guaranteed fun here. Always.
Off to my next adventure I think it is with bb in Belgrade.
Love Renee
Oh Debby! I'm so glad you are here! Yes, if you like, you can just hang out and clutch your credit cards. We won't be needing them until we reach Vienna.... Mmmm - the cookies are delicious!
Ooh, Kat, a clue. I shall check it out post haste!
Hah! Kat, I saw your comment. Do you take bribes? (Marie does so I don't see why you shouldn't) Should I be looking for Elvis when things start to get out of hand later?
Yep, Kat I have made that observation... also Snarky and Sharky, but we'll just leave it at that for now, shall we?
Dang, I need a stiff drink after all this running around. Hope that stewart hasn't lost my bags again. Marie's just gonna have to wait for extra Francs. I had my passport updated. pfffftt [giggle]
Glad Lavinia and her hatboxes could make it.
Where's Linda (Chicken Soup)? She's not up to no good is she ...
What's this I hear about a murder? Oh no. Please say it ain't so? ♥ ∞
"Murder?!!!!" she gasped, hugging her credit cards even closer.
Wow, thanks for stopping by my blog. Yours is waaaaaaaaay more interesting than mine.
Have a great day.
Musey Dahling, Linda has joined us at...
MOOSEY! I've boarded the train! Let the fun and games begin!!!
Now that we've got how many femme fatales assisting in Mssr. Poirot, albeit he still sees as suspects, who do we trust? Ian Fleming promises to safeguard our belongings and compartments. Who really did it and why? Any clues?
Dahling, I adore your silver coffee cup. I must have one, where did you get it? It would go purrrfect with my silver coffee set.
There is a rumor being spread that your passport is a forgery! The nerve... really!? How dare they say such things about our hostess, with the mostest and with the silver coffee cup I WANT! I WANT it I tell you! Sigh...
Whoops! There appears to be an unscheduled stop on your list! You have my blog listed under Debra Kay, so I've been having passengers stop by. Not that I mind! Not a bit! In fact, I just decided to hop aboard and join the fun!
Moose I've just had a closer look at your 'papers'. You know it amazes me how you can travel half way round the world on those. After all, they're your grade three report card and the Girl Scout camp registration documents!
Janeen, that rumour about Musey's passport? IT's not just a rumour. Her passport isn't worth the dollar store paper it's written on!
Debby, that "firewood" excuse is older than my grandma's 1902 world's fair souvenir teacup. What's under all that wood, is what I (and several Turkish detectives) would like to know.
Linda was added to the list and I fixed Debra Kay's IP address so we're good to go.
Lavinia, we are on our way! What should we swipe first? There are so many jewels and so little time....
Janeen - Count Ivan Inanov Ivanevivanova "gave" me the set of silver coffee glasses. He had place settings for 200 and I only managed to borrow 2 dozen so there are plenty there for the taking.
Everyone is suspect Petra Michelle - everyone. The sapphire earings have already changed hands 17 times. At least we only have one body so far Unless you count Count D. in the coffin over in the baggage car.
Karla! Thanks for reporting the unscheduled stop! Glad you hopped on board though. We are all traipsing over to the bar car over thar. Har!
*rubbing my eyes sleepily* What's on the agenda for this afternoon Muse? Did I miss high tea in the dining car? I woke extra early this morning to make sure I arrived at the station in plenty of time to board the train and find a tip-top hiding place for my diamond tiara....ooops! A...a ...what? NO, I didn't say hiding place for a tiara...I said riding space for my little terrier. I've brought Little Fifi along with me.
Kat, I've just received a telex newswire and Monaco has placed an APB out on you....so much for your Princess Grace Trust "alibi"....
Something smells fishy and it ain't salmon!
Steviewren I am CHORTLING at your "I was asleep" line. And I see Musey and Debby rolling their eyes in unison. That excuse is so old that Turkish authorities have declared it a genuine antiquity.
senita is still crying in the bedroom, joe is as drunk as a skunk, the quads are screaming and mama is ignoring them all and reading these fabulous comments and posts, another success cyn medear. xx
psst..I have since updated my blog. Please go look. SPARKY the SPARK IS INNOCENT!! (not sure about the murder part,but of the jewel thief part she is, lol.)
PS AGAIN..I think Soulbrush is really on board! She just left me a particular message. LOLOLOL
Listen Kat, I just got off my train-phone. I was talking to Car, (that's Princess Caroline to you). She confirmed that the Garibaldi's have never heard of you or your Poeti. THe jig is up, Kat. There's egg all over your face and I ain't talking Faberge. Monaco wants the pearls back and if all goes quietly, there won't be any fuss in the Press. We must avoid publicity if you want to avoid deportation to a Monte Carlo jail. ON the other hand, the jail there doubles as a casino so you might not do too badly serving 'time' in that principality after all.....
Weigh your options and watch yer back, Kat!
I heard that coffin creaking a bit. It's hard to hear over the racket of those poison arrow frogs. Dinner isn't served until after dark. Perhaps we should send our security force to the baggage car!
Lavvy - we neglected to note which countries we are to avoid at all costs. I know Turkey is one = I've seen the army guys waiting to speak with us. Said they just have a couple of questions but they have handcuffs at the ready. What are we called in most countries? Personality non gratuity or something. Does that mean we don't have to leave tips?
Musey, what are we called in most countries? "Wanted" !
Regarding leaving tips. It's actually the tenderest part of the asparagus, so I say, eat up...
NO, dear, Muse..I am stuck in a cell in Paris. Hey, at least they are allowing me outside contact, LOLOLOL. VIA INTERNET. LOLOLOLOL--I have it on very good authority that all will end well, or maybe till next time?
I think you and Lavinia have set us up good. I have whispered that to "M" btw..so, you and Miss Lavinia better hop off before Turkey. (rofl)
You can just hand those pearls over to me. My passport does, after all, say Grace Kelly. BTW it's getting dark here in Vienna. I just saw a caped man enter the dining car. He looks a bit long in the tooth and he is speaking in a heavy Romanian accent. No more creaking coffin in the baggage car.....zounds!
Hmm..I still think you and Lavinia are up to something..what, I don't know. ROFL.
{TY for making this day fun for me..after struggling this morning and afternoon teaching, I am just worn out mentally and so have enjoyed all this, TYVM.}
Kat, I suppose that is your story and you're sticking to it. I *thought* that was you in the jewellery department of my local dollar store. What was I doing there? Same thing you were, toots: namely, stocking up on the fakes to throw the jewel thieves off my trail. And this train is crawling with them. Forged passports, diamonds that may or may not be cubic zirconias, and Musey swiping my duchess potatoes. Oh well, that is the least of my worries, as I see a customs official heading determinedly my way. Sorry I must do one of my signature "disappearing acts" now. Make like a banana and split...
I've been snoozing behind the bar! That fifth bottle of champagne did me in!
I'll translate Kat's French.... Ce n'est pas moi! That means I ADMIT IT.. I AM THE CULPRIT...it's a loose translation but I have the feeling that it's accurate!
Lucky we have someone who can speak French so fluently as Marie. The 'loose' translation sort of bothers me. Reminds me of Lavinia for some reason.
*nibbles on molasses cookie, watches wide eyed*
Where is Janeen, she promised me a drink after waking me up so rudely. Just like her to skip out on paying.....watch out there seems to be multiple James Bonds on board someone is the imposter!
Dahling, I was locked in my private car and couldn't call out. I was suspecting you were behind it because you nearly made us late for dinner. Come, come, let's go to the dining car and I'll buy you that drink. Oh let's live large and make a toast to our hostess, Muse! A round of drinks for everybody!
Yawn! I fell asleep in one of those comfortable reading chairs, but I'm not too late for that drink, am I? Cheers everyone! This is a fun adventure!
I did not steal your duchess potatoes - the chef save extra servings for me, Lavvy - at least I didn't eat Janeens chocolate pudding. Wait until she finds out!
Debby and her wide eyed look of innocence, about as phony as her molasses cookie!
OMG How do you even make phony molasses cookies???
Has anyone noticed that Lavernie is always pointing the finger (no not that finger) at somebody? Trying to cover something perhaps? By her own admission, she disappeared when she saw the customs inspector. Why?
Another thing. People sure take a lot of naps around here. I've never seen a case of mass narcolepsy before. I think that we should pull all the nap takers to the center and question them.
*nibbles on her cookie, watches wide eyed*
What's missing anyway? Or are we investigating a murder? I'm confused. Is molasses a halluciogenic?
*nibbles on her cookie, watches wide eyed*
Linda! You are welcome! I'm so glad you joined us in our adventure! Now that I've had a nap I think we need to do a body count and get Lavvys deteco kit out.
Muse, if you got the molasses from Louver, they're probably phony molasses cookies. She seems to be the one who knows.
Oh I missed the train. Blicky and I are down with a touch of fevers (pneumonia:( ) and ague but wanted to amble up to the station anyway to wish our bloggie friends a wonderful trip. With Musie at the helm it'll be a wild ride.
Okay. You've got Muse, Melody, Maria, Stevie (two naps even), and Poetikat who claim to be sleeping. You've got Janeen claiming to be locked in her compartment. Maybe she'd better claim she was 'sleeping'. It would be much better for her reputation. We better question the sleeping beauties.
Blicky and her pneumonia must be the ones responsible for the coffin.
Coffin, whose coffin?
Karla just hopped on the train! I had her link next to Deborah Kay's name this morning and she was getting visitors looking for the train station! Bwahaha. Being the great bloggy sport that she is she has come along for the rest of the trip! Stop by her car and say hi and don't steel anything from her.
Blick! I am SO sorry you are sick. I'll have the chef prepare some capon soup for you immediately. There are hot toddies at the bar too. Make yourself comfortable and keep an eye on "things" for us in between naps. Who is that little bitty Nick Nolte person you have with you?
Okay, I confess....I was spending a "quiet" afternoon in my compartment "visiting" with Lavinia's "Turkish Delights." I mean, come on ladies....what happens on the Orient Express, stays on the Orient Express doesn't it?
....and don't steal anything from her either
Stevie you are so very right. We shall not say a WORD to ANYONE, will we, Debby. Here, have one of Debby's cookies - they're as fake as your nap excuses.
cough cough...it's me Petra, I'm coffin.
Well, everything stays on board except the pearls, the diamonds, the sapphire, the emerald pendant and Lyn's Faberge Egg. I'm sure Lavinia is planning to use our baubles to finance her next fling!
Oh, come on. It was one of my best puns. Coughing. Coffin. (oh, I crack myself up) Okay, Stevie. We'll need to see if that Turkish Delight will back up your alibi. You want to drag his weary hinder out here?
Stevie - have you checked you purse for your credit cards lately? I'm just sayin'
Muse, Janeen's been kidnapped! I just went to her compartment and she's gone!
Lavinia's next fling? Good grief. She's one far flung gal.
Debby - that was VERY funny! Of course we all had to plagerize it immediately to divert your attention from the pearls
Janeen's been kidnapped? Perhaps she's getting sloshed in the bar, or stealing baubles from the baggage car, or eating her 17th dessert in the dining car. What makes you thing she's been kidnapped, Petra?
Just came back from her compartment. Have a look for yourself! It's been cleaned out! (a blank page) Unless, the imposter is a magician who would have us believe so!
Her compartment's been cleaned out? Send that imposter to my home right away.
Of course, if Janeen was making a break for it, she'd take her stuff with her.
That Janeen - she probably heard about a sale in Vienna and didn't want to let us know until after she cleaned the place out. She may have napped, but she wasn't kidnapped.
Muse, I purposely left my credit cards at home. I've wired all my money ahead to Istanbul. I've been on these little trips with you and your sticky fingered peeps before and in the immemorial words of Judy Holliday, "I wasn't born yesterday." (if she didn't say that she should have)
Anybody else notice that Stevie never produced that exhausted Turkish Delight to prove her alibi. Hm?
You're probably right, Muse. Just came back and everything was in its rightful place. Everything was temporarily blank! And your coffin, eh? Btw, have we come to closer to solving the murder? Because if we don't in the next half hour, I'd say let's fire Mssr. Poirot and keep James as a souvenier. Ian is mine! ;)
I had that happen too Petra - I think we're burning up the internet. I was just there too - her music is playing like always and she and Melody are arguing about James. everyone knows he is escorting ME to dinner, don'tchaknow.
Livvy rifled through your purse earlier, Stevie, and found your Dollar General credit card. You forgot that one.
OH my sister Melody won't want to see you being escorted into dinner on James' arm. But then again, jewels could fly and this could be fun to watch! I think I'll order another course to my meal, this is going to be entertaining. (glasses tink-tink)
For once I agree with Debby. THere's been waaayyyy too many 'naps' around here and people claiming to be dozing and its time to wait just a cotton picking minute while I sort out who is legit and who isn't. Okay, that's done---no one is legit! You're all lying like rugs. Who could sleep with all the noise and gunfire and gemstones hitting the floor and ice-cubes tinkling and martinis being shaken not stirred..
No, I just didn't bother removing that card from my purse because I maxed it out earlier today. I purchased the Dollar General's whole inventory of Princess cut cubic zirconia tiaras in order to throw Madame Ladyslipper off the hunt for my REAL tiara.
The coffin just clattered out the last compartment and rolled down the hill! Golly, did we ever ascertain who/what was in it??
I never claimed to be sleeping....I just rubbed my eyes to make you think I had been napping...BTW, those "Turkish Delights" are delightful conversationalists! I'm so glad that we had time to have such a in depth conversation with one another this afternoon!!!!! ...just delightful....*sigh*
"In depth conversation?" Now you're just being saucy!!
Musey! Everyone! I've just posted a nightcap Orient Express post......over at the birdbath compartment....
On my way Lavinia!
Muse, I've been on adventures before, but today's is up there! Bed beckons and I can sleep with some certainty after watching Monsieur Poirot in action in solving the murder on the Orient Express! Brava for a wonderful affair! Buona notte! :))
SO..WHODUNIT? Have we figured this out? LOL..I'M FREE!! JB told me that the mystery is or would be figured out by morning. Honestly,
1. Way to many naps
2. Way to much booze & food
3. Way to many jewels. (blame Lavina, dear.)
4. Way to many handsome men.
5. AND one nosy detective. (Poirot)
TY ladies for a wonderful day..smiles
BTW, I think Marie fessed up. BUT, I also think it was to much drink, so I think she is fibbing, LOLOLOL.
Musey I don't want it to end! It's been the most fun I've had in a long while....Thanks so much for hosting and don't forget to pop by for a nightcap....
This is so cool!
A toast of champagne to you dahling! (glasses tink) It's been a magical day! I had so much fun today, didn't you? You out did yourself today being our hostess. I think we burned a few WI-FI's in the process. Takes longer and longer to load your page.
Well now I must really get down to business and review my girls homework on the Lousianna purchase. I think my brain has had too much though in one day. In fact, I think I'll save it for the morning with a fresh mind and a cup of coffee!
I look forward to our next bloggy adventure hanging out with you my friend! Have a great day!
Muse, Monsieur Poirot left his journal in my berth and I've had commemorative postcards made. If anyone would like a small trinket from today's adventure they can email me with their address and I will drop a postcard into the mail.
Of course, they would be free to send me as many jewels or Faberge Eggs they would care too. Any bauble from the trip would be treasured by me....and remember friends, any bauble that comes my way would keep it out of the hands of Madame Sticky Fingers.
Clinking glasses with everyone... Thank you all for a delightful day! We'll sort all the sordid business out tomorrow over lunch.
Stevie! Postcards! You know I would LOVE one. What a delightful rememberance. Do you still have my address? Do you still have my diamond tiara?
Mama Zen! you've come aboard for the night! Welcome!
those were the days...........
These adventures always look like so much fun to join in. Some day..I'll have the time to prepare for one of these trips...fun fun. I only had time to look at Lavinia's..
I've no idea whethere I'm participating correctly but I'm having fun, my third post and the train has just left the station!
When you get to Vienna, please do stop by my blog: http://wanderingpam.blogspot.com/2009/03/orient-express-stop-vienna.html
That's the actual post about the Orient Express, with links to this blog.
Look forward to taking you around Vienna.
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