As you come to terms with yourself, you are able to see a more fulfilling purpose in life, and your field of experience broadens. Focus on matters that affect you most deeply and, like magic, your life will become easier and things will seem to take care of themselves. You have all the necessary resources and motivation to make tangible changes and achieve results this year.
Toward the end of the year, you'll have time to enjoy yourself, and to bask in a great sense of accomplishment. With the expansive and idealistic energy flowing throughout 2009, Gemini is very comfortable in this age of new awareness and high-mindedness.

Kick up your heels, Gemini. Things don't look all that bad for you. It seems like no matter what happens for 90% of the year things will pan out for you come December. Just in time to put up that tree and go Christmas shopping.

Give your dual personalities a lift - two for one during happy hour is just the ticket for you Gemini's

But don't forget to eat your vegetables.

Chew gum during times of stress. There's a special brand just for Gemini's, plus a perky little jingle you can sing while you chew. Just don't throw that wrapper on the ground. A Taurus will appear out of nowhere and and threaten to wipe that smile off your face if you don't pick it up and dispose of it in a proper receptacle - like your left ear.

Your tendency for the vintage and old fashioned is always a challenge when it comes to accessorizing your already questionable wardrobe. Time to lose that Holly Hobby look and kiss that bi-centennial hairdo goodbye. And by the way, that dual personality thingie that the horoscopes tend to gloss over? You really should look into some medication for that because it's driving the rest of us signs to distraction. Quit saying "We are not amused" because I can assure you that the rest of us are NOT amused.
We ARE amused, however, by the fact that you always seem to think you've gotten a deal when you buy a pair of shoes, a double burger, are two sheets to the wind or are challenged to a duel. That's spelled d-u-e-l, not d-u-a-l. Big difference.

The rest of us are on to you so don't you and yourself try to gang up on us
Really enjoyed this post, and I'm not even a Gemini...I am an Aquarian.
I got your postcard the other day! Thank you. (It's gorgeous hear today and warm, but they say it won't last...)
ha ha my eldest son exactly, a crazy mixed up character made up of two parts...loved this.
Those two characters at the top are scaring me! ha ha I think it's the ear rings, they are bigger than MINE! Happy Saturday!
Cool post. That picture of the little girl with all of those eyes... yeah, that one. It's seriously disturbing!
Coming over from SITS to say hello from California. My mother is a Gemini. fun post.
The four eyed girl is a bit freaky.
OK ~ Now I have double vision ~ This post is very entertaining! I have to say I like the legs up on the couch the best! I remember doing that with girl friends (only not with the sheer stocking look). Have a fabulous Sat.!
We are amused by this post Muse. We have been wondering when you were going to comment on our excellent nature and our amazing ability to see both sides of any conundrum. We are pleased that you recognized our special Gemi-nice-ness.
The only downside of being us is that we tend to talk ourselves into and out of everything. We have the deuce of a time making our mind up. BTW, did you know deuce is a derivative of the old English word for two...figures doesn't it?
LOL Both my husband and I are Geminis!
We gotta watch these ones -- always committing nefarious deeds and blaming it on their evil twin.
Oh wow...this was very interesting! I have a friend who is a gemini...this actually fits her to a "T"!
So Steviewren is a geminie. That explains everything. (nodding sagely here).
The picture of the four eyed girl, wow, I don't think my eyes have been able to focus since I looked at it. Like an optical illusion that makes everything afterwards go blurry. Why is that!?
my husband is a gemini. He travels a lot and our friends always joke that they think he's a spy because no body understands what he does. He chews a lot of gum for someone his age, but only in the car when no bullies are around. I love all the photographs!
My husband said you know me so well. Careful, or I'll wipe that smile off your face.
Sparky the Taurus [giggle]
I had no idea I was so interesting. Thanks for enlightening me. Can't wait to see what Christmas and your next post brings.
Lavinia, I had the same problem. The picture of the little girl is completely normal. You just have to refrain from doing too much laudinum before you read this blog. Dr. West's orders.
Very different post. I hope you had a great weekend. Thanks for stopping by the other day.
Do I even want to know what those leg women are doing? (rofl) Thanks for making me smile.
hahaha, a Taurus will come up and wipe that smile off your face..hahaha. My third son is a gemini and my husband is a Taurus!
Oh boy, the double eyes made me jerk my head back. Hurt the eyes I think. LOL
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