Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Look What's Blooming Now!

The orchids are continuing with their spring show. Several phalaenopsis are in bud and these beauties are in flower. The flowers last for weeks, and these mature orchids will continue to bloom for months. Although not noticeable in the picture, there are many flower spikes on each of these. The flowering spikes are called inflorescence.

Phalaenopsis is a good "starter" orchid. You'll find them for sale at Lowe's and Home Depot, and even in the grocery store. As long as the leaves and any visible roots look healthy it should be fine. They do best in clay orchid pots with orchid bark rather than in soil or sphagnum moss. Look for flowering spikes that still have buds on them so you can enjoy a long season of flowers.

This dendrobium blooms after it sheds the leaves on the cane. Each cane blooms just once, and then produces side shoots that grow into mature canes for the following year. The delicate flowers have no scent and do not last very long but are well worth waiting for each spring.

This hybrid BLC is called Apple Blossom. The scent is very reminiscent of apple trees in bloom. It is very hardy and produces plenty of new growth each year. I've shared this plant with many friends.

This Ludisia is one of just a few orchids that have pattered leaves. It is also known as a jewel orchid. These are the easiest to grow and thrive on standard houseplant care. New growth can be cut from the plant and will root easily. These bloom just once a year, and the tiny white flowers are not scented

And this handsome little specimen is my newest Grandnephew, Aedan! He was born March 16 and weighed in at (ouch!) eight lbs 10 oz and 22.5 inches long. He has a lovely baby scent and his color varies from day to day. This is his blue day...are those butterflies on that little outfit???

God bless you Aedan!


Lanny said...

Oh he is definitely not impudent, what a sweetie! New baby smell and little baby fuzzy head, too sweet.

The orchids are lovely, I've never tried one myself, I didn't know the fragrant ones would grow indoors!

Pat said...

I wish we had even a bit of warmth here to grow orchids. Cooooold still, and April is supposed to be rainy, grrrr.

Your orchids are gorgeous, and even more appealing is your little grandson!

soulbrush said...

my lovely bright pink indoor orchid i have had for a few years is also blooming....lives in my bathroom where the window is never closed even in freezing winters. must love the humidity in there. what a cutie patootie your garndnef is. i do love baby boys, they already look naughty. watch catcus monday when senita and joe give out thier housekeeping tips...tee hee....

Debby said...

Well, by golly, all the pictures were lovely, but that last bloom is my favorite, I think.

Jeanne Estridge said...

That last one is a beaut (although the others are lovely, too)!

Betsy Brock said...

I'm pretty sure those are guitars on that outfit! ha-ha! What a cutie...and I LOVE that baby smell.

Your orchids are lovely! You are quite the pro. I always take a look at them at Sams and am tempted, but have never brought one home.

soulbrush said...

also, there is an invitation for you on my blog today.

Blicky Kitty said...

Oh he is beautiful and he wears edgy onesies -- me likey!

I love looking at pictures of your orchids. I'm not great with indoor blooms but my outdoor ones are happy. I'm eagerly awaiting our lady slipper's though -- the orchid's hearty yet supersensitive New England cousin.

MuseSwings said...

Lanny - I grow them outdoors here in Florida.

Soulbrush - My daughter has orchids growing in her bathroom too! They do thrive in humidity. Thank you so much for the invitation! Count me in! There's an artist in here somewhere.

Betsy - try one! The phalaenopsis are very happy on or near a windowsill.

MuseSwings said...

Blicky - perfect description of that cute little outfit of his - edgy! How are you feeling???

Rudee said...

Your orchids are lovely. I love that the blooms last so long.

Are those skulls on Aedan's t-shirt? He is beautiful.

Lavinia said...

Fabulous to find my Floridian floral frenemy fostering fantastic flowers faithfully. And blessings to the beateous bouncing baby boy!


petra michelle; Whose role is it anyway? said...

Congratulations, Muse! Aedan is gorgeous!
Am admiring your nursery! Lovely!

Linda said...

Very pretty!!! Congrats on becoming an aunt. Blessings

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Beautiful Orchids, Beautiful Baby. Thank you for sharing.

Kate Karyus Quinn said...

Awww... what a cutie pie he is. Love the onsie too.

Annelie said...

Baby Aedan is so adorable! Congratulations!

ChaChaneen said...

OH your flowers are just beautiful! I do NOT have an emerald thumb so I'm in total envy of your patio. I'll print one of yours and put it on my mirror so I can smile at that for the day!

And that little boo-boo is A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E! We need to get hime some new clothes though, I hate to see that skull crap on children, makes me think of the enemy. Grrrr

Kiss the little love from your bloggin' friends in California!

soulbrush said...

yahooooo, i am so thrilled you are joining, let carla know on the wings4us blog. here we goooooooooooo...

Sparky said...

Those are some impudent orchids there Musey. The yellow one looks like a long legged lady cradling a baby. Speaking of that, the baby is a cutie. :o) Congrats on the grandnephew. ♥ ∞

Girl Tornado said...

Congrats on the grand nephew, he is quite the handsome one and I'm sure will be a lady killer when he grows up! :) I love all the orchids, but I esp like the dendrobium.

Nana Trish is Living the Dream said...

What a darling baby! He is so cute. Your orchids are gorgeous.

Dawn Fine said...

I want those orchids! Well..I am trying to grow one now..I dont think i have the best growing conditions here in the motorhome.
Aedan looks like a little doll...Ha...dont think those are butterflys..

blognut said...

The baby is beautiful.

And I'm writhing with jealousy that you've got pretty flowers. My only hope for pretty flowers is plastic, and those aren't very pretty.

steviewren said...

Butterflies, guitars...they look like skulls to me. Muse, whattheheck is that baby wearing? He's a cutie. I know you're a proud Great Auntie.

Your rock in the orchid department. You are now my go to person on the topic.

Mim said...

Baby smell is better than any flower smell - isn't it?

My mom has a few orchids - they are just wonderful and she doesn't do a thing to encourage them to bloom - just ignores them and they do fine.

Blicky Kitty said...

Oh I'm all better thanks! Tell Lucy and Layla I was thinking of them in my last post!

Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

How beautiful your snapshots are!!
Sadly, those are the one thing that I seem to have no luck with :( I'll just drop by to look at yours and wish they were mine, lol
Take good care and.......

Steady On
Reggie Girl

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about that sweet baby smell!Aedan looks as if he's going to be a bit sassy..too young to be the orchids...lucky you!!!

Marie Reed said...

What a rocking little imp Aedan is! I'm glad that you mentioned the 'butterflies' .. I took a second look and laughed!

marianne said...

Beautiful flowers!
What richdom!
I love orchids.
The little boy is also a little bundle of hope and joy!
happy Spring!
Here we have to wait a little more.....

Renee said...

The orchids are amazing. They remind me of the award that you made for us.

You are so lucky to have such a green thumb. I kill every plant I touch, even flower don't last longer than a few days.

They are beautiful.


sandy said...

ohhhhh congrats on that cute new darling baby!! Love the orchids too.