Your Official Invitation to all Activities and Events in Bloggington D.C.
The New Year begins with plans for Inauguration Day festivities in Bloggington D.C.! An Inaugural Invitation is hereby issued to everyone in Blogland!

Join in the fun and festivities by hosting a post on Inauguration Day, Tuesday, January 20, 2009. The day will begin here with a delicious brunch served at Mt. Vernon, the Virginia home of George Washington, and Martha Custis Washington the first First Lady of our nation. Brunch will include several dishes from Martha Washington’s own recipe books. After brunch, and a leisurely stroll by the Potomac, transportation will be provided so you may visit all of the other hosts who are sharing in the Inauguration activities!
Hosts for the day will share history, art, tours of Washington DC, teas, lunches, trivia, lore and, of course, Inaugural Balls! Perhaps there will be a play or movie at the historic Ford Theater, or fireworks at the Washington Monument or a visit to the Smithsonian! Wherever your imagination leads you. Please plan to participate and post anything you wish for the day. What will you wear, prepare? Who will accompany you to the ball?
All you have to do is:
1) RSVP by leaving a comment on this post.
1) RSVP by leaving a comment on this post.
2) Post a copy of the invitation on your blog with a link back to this post
3) Tell your bloggyfriends and invite them to attend
4) On Inauguration Day I will list links to all of the participating blogs so we may travel about and visit each of the posts.
If you are new to these bloggy activities, take a look at our Bloggyland Christmas Tour HERE. It was a fun and festive day. We all met many new friends and shared wonderful posts and comments for the holiday season.
Mrs. Chachaneen and guest, accept with pleasure the invitation to attend the Inauguration Day gala at Muse Swings Estate on the 20 January 2009.
Oh, count me in! I haven't attended an inauguration since the Clinton's! :-D
Wishing you and yours the best blessings ever for 2009!
Did you see the posting of art by Mark Khaisman today on Robot Nine. Unique art made with packing tape on plexiglass, has really struck a chord, tons of all positive comments.
Awwww ... do I have too?! [pout] I was kinda hoping this inauguration would go away. [sigh] Oh well, I'll be there.
Anyway, ChaCha may need me for Secret Service work. [smile]
Sparky ♥ ∞
I was thinking the same thing, Sparky! We'll need tight security! Lots of jewels at the balls, and we are all big time VIPs in need of fine security services.
I would love to attend this event my dear Cynthia. Thank you so much for adding me to your guest list.
Excellent Stevie! There would be no inauguration day w/o you!
What fun. I found you by hopping over from "Green Grass," and I'm enjoying your writing. Happy New Year.
I have taken your inaugaration button.I don't think I'm advanced enough to do it,but i will advertise for you...Ann
Thank you, 2nd!
Ann - if I'm advanced enough then % of the world, including voux is better than advanced! Thank you so much for advertising!
This sounds like fun, please count me in. Hmm, I need to give this some thought. Thank you, dear Muse Swings for your creativity!
well gee - you are skipping right over MLK jrs birthday - but then, this is a significant inauguration, just about every one seems hopeful
OH OH..I think you might have to add my name right along with Sparkys to the SS☺. But, hey, I am game. Let me see, what shall I wear? ☺
You're right Larry - hopeful is all we have right now!
Wonderful, Linda and Martha!
What a creative idea. Not sure if I'll join in, but I'll be back to check out the goings-on...and sample some cyber recipes.
Lurve the new picture on your banner by the way!
Thanks Janeen!
Bibi - m-mmm food will definitely be involved here
Love this. I'll get my post up ASAP (tomorrow at the latest).
Oh fun fun fun! Let me just check my calendar to make sure I don't have any church lady stuff going on.
where have i been? feeling down...i am in!!!! you know i wouldn't miss this for the world dahling! i must represent great britain, greter london, or just greater soulbrush!!
I'll definitely participate. I'll get the button up ASAP.
An event not to be overlooked, Muse! Ask the gracious hostess to count me in! ;)
Do count me in.
Thank you all! This will be a fun event with all of the participation! Cool!
Cute post. :) Thanks for visiting my blog the other day. Much appreciated.
Count me in, it sounds like so much fun! And, I had such a great time on the last tour you hosted.
I am not entirely sure I understand, but I want to join in! I am going to find out for sure, alrighty? Thanks.
OKdoke! Count me it!! I'll make my linktastic post.
A, Morgan and Blick! See you all on the 20th!
You should be there. You are the "First Lady" of bloggy humour!
Lavinia! And you are my First Bloggy Friend!
Okay, I'm in!
Bibi! Wonderful!
I'm in! I just need to get the invitation up on my sidebar!
Great, Karla - see you there!
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