I'm sure you have heard of the college game, Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. Its inception is from the theory that everyone on earth is within six degrees of separation from any stranger they meet. Meaning, they can, if they have several hours, days or months, trace a line of 6 -or fewer- acquaintances to each other.
The college game, which has been going on for years now, for whatever reason chose Keven Bacon, and plays a game of linking people, mostly other actors to Kevin through movies, marriage, events, etc.
Well guess what? Here's a little tidbit to start your day: I am just two degrees from Keven Bacon.
How, pray tell, can this be? you ask with an ever so slight tinge of green in your voice. Well, I am acquainted with Dennis Lehane, author of the novel, Mystic River, which was made into a movie in which Kevin Bacon had a starring role.

People acquainted with me are just 3 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon. Lucky you!
Dennis Lehane and I both graduated from Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, FL. Different years and very different majors. Dennis teaches and is still very involved with Eckerd. He is high on my list of favorite writers, and I am anxiously awaiting his next book, The Given Day, which will be released in September. I had the pleasure of listening to Dennis read excerpts from the book on several occasions and it's going to be a good one. His book, Shutter Island and short story, Until Gwen are the next to be made into movies based on his stories.
I came to know Dennis through a wonderful writers program Eckerd College offers each year called Writers in Paradise . I attended the first one in 2005. It was especially exciting for me to be accepted into the program. The requirement, to be accepted in the Contemporary Novel workshop that Dennis taught was to submit 12-14 pages of your novel for consideration. That was all I had at the time. 14 pages. So I sent them in, they were critiqued, and I was accepted! I was in league with people who had writing degrees of various kinds and who were much farther along in their writing careers. It was a wonderful 8 days of immersion into all things writing.
I just found the following pictures on the 2005 conference on the web site! Me (the blonde lady) listening and Dennis talking. Cool!

Check out Dennis' new book. If you haven't read the others, put them on your reading list!

I'm off to check the next tropical weather update. We may be getting a bit of Tropical Storm Fay in our neighbor hood next week. Click on the Tropical Update picture for the latest on that.

Hi, Cynthia! Thanks for stopping by to check out my bathing cap, but it's looooong gone. Too bad. But I'm glad you liked my blog. You will love the post on Monday; water-related...
WOWSIE! I think Kevin Bacon is a great actor, and cute too. I'm so jealous...only two degrees away,you lucky devil!
How cool - only 2 degrees! Thank you for book recommendation too!
Lucky you! That's exciting to hear of the wonderful writing excursion you were blessed to be a part of!
Hope you get just a light sprinkle from the storm coming your way!
bibi and shellmo! Thank you for stopping by! I agree, Kevin Bacon is really a great actor. Now you are only 3 degrees away from Kevin.
Janeen, The Writers in Paradise was an amazing experience. Lots of other authors, poets, essayists and agents. I'd like to go again. Maybe if I get started on that book again I'll sign up for 2009.
Bibi, I'm from Michigan. Born in Detroit and lived in Royal Oak, Ferndale, Oak Park and West Bloomfield. I had wonderful visits from Michigan's birds in W. Bloomfield. That's why I make a habit of looking in on you blog. I especially enjoyed seeing dark eyed juncos, redpolls and cedar waxwings. I miss robins most of all, although I see migrating flocks in the early spring sometimes. Hundereds came by this year.
I think we'll be spared much of what T.S. Fay will have to offer. We'll see!
Thanks for stopping by with well wishes for our anniversary!
What an exciting post! You are totally cool!
......so did you finish that novel?
Jo, good of you to stop by as well! No, I've not finished the novel - still working on it but slowly.
Darling sissy, in speaking of Michigan birds, don't forget the bombadier (sp?) goose who "dropped" in on you? Tee hee!!
You are our most famous relative! I'm so proud, I'm blinking back tears!
Florida meteorologists are all a-twitter. Time will tell how far off their "tomorrow-casts" are.
Ah, Loolie, nothing like a bucket 'o goose droppings to make you feel as one with nature!
I'm tracking the forcast changes to see how much of a literal slant they have on the windy Fay. Put up some extra Spam in case we decide to drop by for a hurricane party on Tuesday! I'll bring the cosmopolitan makings and some Cheetos
Love you!
Sissy 'o yourn
That is so cool about Kevin Bacon. I love going to writers conferences. There's a really neat one in St. Simon, Georgia every year maybe we can meet there next year. It's such a beautiful setting and so peaceful. I must check out the books.
Two degrees from K. Bacon...hmmmmmm.....
I have long known about this game. You would not believe how many people I am two degrees from. It really surprises me. Try Obama and Clinton!! (Just found out about the Obama last week...previously I thought I was three degrees...) tee hee!
And I'm not even American!
This is fun to play...
Trish, St. Simon sounds lovely! I'll have to check it out.
What a hoot, Lavinia! How did you get to be just 2 degrees from the O and the C??
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