Hurricane Gustav is about parallel with Palm Harbor right now. Although it's about 300 miles away, it's a big storm and it's been affecting our weather since yesterday morning while it was still twirling around Cuba.
Today it's been a blustery day. No rain (yet), but plenty of wind and gray clouds and it is MUGGY. I was outside at our Welcome station at church this morning and got 75 new hairdos as I stood in the wind before the service greeting guests.

We had about 16 first time visitors this morning! Several mentioned that they had heard good things about our Pastor, Chad, and came to check him out. The (free) CD's of his sermons are going like hotcakes! I'm glad he and his wife and children are part of our church family. Check us out at www.palmharborchurch.com Audio's of Chad's most current series are available on the site.

After the service the Mister and I ventured out for breakfast and did some grocery shopping. 68 more hairdo's.
We are very fortunate that Gustav is not headed for Florida. We're always happy that a hurricane has decided to take a course away from our state. Knowing that someone else is going to face all the misery of powerful winds and flooding, however, takes away all but the relief for ourselves. If you are in the expected landfall area, I hope you are reading this from Montana, or Idaho, or even NE Florida. 

We're also tracking Hanna, but she's a slow moving storm and has a rather indecisive route. She may just stay out in the Atlantic. We shall see later next week.
Yesterday the screen repair guys came out and repaired the screens that the tree branch landed on during tropical storm Fay. I don't really know how they did it. I can't watch people on ladders. Especially when it's pouring down rain and thundering! I just know it involved some amazing acrobatics and no one got killed, maimed or injured in the process. Best of all, I can quit scooping leaves and branches out of the pool!
Hope you are all having a wonderful Labor Day weekend! Don't do any labor! Go out! Shop, swim, bike, visit, picnic and have fun!
Batton down your hatches and stay safe! I enjoyed browsing your church website. Very impressive! :)
We're safe - it's no longer blustery and there was just enough rain to top off the pool! Thank you for checking out PHCC. If you're ever in the neighborhood I'll see you at the welcome satation!
Hi Cynthia, I'm glad the hurricane isn't headed your way and that the winds have lessened. You know - you could've captured one of those special hair styles with the hair gel on the market these days. Your style would be the envy of every male under 25 years! :-o)
My most humble thanks also for the Blooming Blogs Award - I am very honored by this special distinction! I'm sorry I wasn't there to accept it at the time as I was on holiday - but it was a lovely surprise on my return! :-)
Take care,
Kalianne! Welcome back! You are very welcome for the Blog in Bloom award.
Next time we have a blustery day I'll remember to take some styling gel to church with me! I'll be stylin'!
Hi Cynthia. I hope Gustav dies a quick and harmless death. Glad you are not in his way.
So funny about the hairdos. Yes, Winnie the Pooh had it right about that blustery day...
That was funny about all the hairdo's! I'll have to remember that someday! ha ha Hilarious!
Sorry, I worked this Labor Day, had two dog customers that can't make it any other time and what else am I doing but laboring anyway, painting 4 chairs and a magazine rack for a gal. When you work at home, you are lucky to know what day it is.
My Mum over in Lake Placid is happy about the course of Gustave, but is freakin about the others...such is hurricane season...and no one has a clue how many times your hairdo changes in a Florida hurricane, you're just lucky your body doesn't fly off with it.
Take care till the next landfall.
Cynthia, I just checked the weather and was glad to see that Gustav has been downgraded to a Cat 1 storm. Yeehaw! So much better than a Cat 3 for all those folks with homes and lives in harms way.
About your many hairdos. I was the unhappy recipient of some of those same dos last week at the beach. OMGosh, my hair was sticking out all over the place...and not in a good way!
Thank you ladies for stopping by, for your good wishes and especially for your hair-do tips! We had a quiet sunny day today, watched Gustav at work in Louisiana, and also watched the conga line of 5 storms and potential storms stretched from the Bahamas to Africa. It's the season to keep the weather station on!
Laughed about the hairdos but glad you won't have the full brunt of the storm. Praying for everyone in its path!
Glad we missed it too! Got to keep the same hairdo all day today!
Thank you for poppong over!
What a wonderful name for a hurricane though! So French! Give that tropical storm a glass of wine and some stinky cheese!
Sure hope Hanna behaves herself and stays away from you. I don't know how you all do it, when these "canes" come in. Of course, we deal with forest fires, but..hurricanes, wind, flooding, not sure I would want to face that every season...
Funny! Thank you for visiting!
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