Sparky, who has a wonderful blog of her own has bestowed this wonderful Premio Dardos Award to my blog. It's beautiful! Reminds me I should have a drink. Thank you so much!
This award is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing...that's the general idea.
The rules of this award are as follows: show the image of the award on your blog, link back to the blog that gave the award, and nominate 15 other blogs that you consider deserving the same.
The only difficulty in awarding 15 bloggers is I know there will be duplication - which to me is not really a problem at all - it is such a great compliment to receive an award from several bloggers! Also, the list of blogs I follow is ever expanding. There so many really great folks out there doing wonderful and imaginative things with their blogs that limiting to "just" 15 can be difficult.
Here goes:
Lavinia Ladyslipper
Nanny ( as in Goats with Panties)
Auntie Mim
Blicky Kitty
Sea Angels
Water Blossoms
Please take your award, post it on your blog, and enjoy!

I would also like to bestow a Blog In Bloom Award to several bloggy buddies who have wonderful blogs that just bloom with art, originality, creativity beauty, humor, fun and bring joy to those who read them. If you have not visited these bloomin' blogs, be sure and stop by! They are all listed in the margin of my blog, and you can pop over from there!

I received this wonderful award from Blicky Kitty a few days ago! At the time I acknowledged it I did not bestow the award - these things take some thought! - especially since there are so many truly superior scribblers out there!
I would like to share the award with Pamela Terry of the House of Edward for her wonderfully well written poetic and beautiful posts. It is always such a pleasure to visit Pamela's blog. The rules for this wonderful award can be found HERE. I've noticed this award popping up on several of my other favorite blogs. Congratulations, Pamela and to everyone else out there who has received this!
Congrats Muse! You're rakin' 'em in this week (and deservably so - take a bow). :o) I enjoy Pamela Terry's blog too. She has her own beautiful style.
Surprise, surprise, my husband now has a blog!! It's called http://wiregrassmusings.blogspot.com/ . He's a terrific writer.
Gotta run. I'm still getting ready for The Grape Escape. It's gonna be FUN! Keep up the good work. ♥ ∞
Thanks, Muse for your 'Blogs in Bloom Award' I am truly honored and always love reading your blog!
Well, hot damn! Congrats on the awards (much-deserved) and THANK YOU for the Blog in Bloom award! Wow!
I'll get it up at "my place" asap.
I really appreciate that and it's high praise indeed, coming from you...
Take care and thanks again...
:^) Anna
Congrats on all these awards. Well deserved, I must say...
Yes very deserving my dear! As I always say, you are so quick with witty words, I enjoy reading your comments too! ha ha
Your literary background shines through your blog! Don't change a thing!
Wow Thanks Cynthia!
Feel honored!
I will put it on my blog once I get home again!
And wow for you that you got 3 awards So deserved!
Hug >M<
Well I'd just like to thank my folks, husband, google (sniff) and of course that special person who none of this would have been possible without MUSESWINGS. Blushing whilst leaving the stage to a standing ovation (made the last bit up)!!!!!!
I love your acceptance speech Queenie! And, I will give you the appropriate hug as soon as the applause FINALLY dies down a bit and the audience sits back down.
Ladies, ladies, enjoy your awards as much as I enjoy stopping by to read your posts!
Thank you for the award! I guess I forgot to include that in my earlier comment. Hmmmm, perhaps my 'tea' was a bit strong when I was here before....
What an unexpected treat! Edward and I are quite honored to receive this award, and we are especially happy that you enjoy our efforts. Thank you so very much for thinking of us. It means a lot!
Happy weekend to you!
aaaaawwww, thanks for thinking of me too, congrats...you deserve em all, your blog is just 'cooking'!!
Lavinia, if you tea is too strong, please pass me a cuppa!
You are all very welcome!
OOOOOh MuseSwings...I have no words...just smiles for you from deep in my heart for thinking of me in such a generous way...You are one special lady! Your creative spirit makes all who surround you SPARKLE! Thank you for spreading some "twinkle dust" on me!
Hello you lovely lady...you are like this beautiful whirlwind full of energy and sparkley light, thankyou sooooo much for my beautiful award (HUGE smile). I am just preparing for my super craft sale!! one week to go, so I will allocate my awards after then, I hope this is ok? I did not want you thinking I would not bother...right I am off to make some cakes to freeze then back to crafting....
Love Lynn xx
Oooh, thank you thank you thank you!!!! Blicky's out of town this week but I'm sure I can accept it in his absence!
Margaret - Here I thought all this time that I was getting that lovely twinkle dust from you!
Lynn - certainly it is ok! I hope you have wonderful sucess with your craft sale. Your work is so beautiful!
Laurel, I'm sure it's okay with Blick - he can be preetty democratic at times. Hope to see him in Rome on Monday! It will make the day the cat's meow - or in Blick's case, Mao.
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