Just got off the phone with Lavinia. Everything is ready for tomorrow! I'm on my way. Thought I'd take the train. I'll have to sit out here all night though because I have just trunks and trunks of clothes in the stateroom. Like my bathing suit? Think I'll wear it while stomping grapes at the Muserino Vineyard. Wash your tootsies, Bloogiebuddies! We've got wine to make!

I brought these... I hate to go anywhere without them! You don't think I'm showing off do you? I turned them into salt and paper shakers. They're very useful now.
Sleep tight and get ready for a fun day! See you there! Ciao!
I'm very excited! Just scheduled my post for tomorrow. I'm sure it will be the Italian tour of a lifetime :-)
Salt and pepper shakers? You told me they were door stops! What's the real deal, cindi lisa?!?!?! No matter, my butler has just brought me more Campari cocktails for taste-testing....hic....
Hmmm yummy try this one too Lavinia. It's a nice aperativo. I'm bringing my personal bartender along. I call him Bartender.
Pat - can't wait to see what you have for us!
Well, they were doorstops for a while, and then I used them as paperweights on the Lanai during the last hurricane, but I hollowed them out last month for S&P shakers so I'd have a good reason to flaunt..I mean.. use them at the dinner table.
Your personal bartender, Blick? I don't know why I didn't think of that. Will you share him? How old is he, married? Is he more Lavinia's type or mine?
I like the salt and pepper shakers. They look real familiar ... hee hee
I'm all set! I have a special flight showing up (I'm not telling ... you'll have to wait and see who it is!!). My feet are all washed and hair combed. Be sure and bring your cycling gear (and I DON'T mean for bicycles!!).
CYA tomorrow ... zoom zoom ♥ ∞
Preparing security Mad'am!
Italy, here we come!
Excelent! I see everyone in their places with bright shiny faces!
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