Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Time To Give Thanks

If you listen carefully to America on Thanksgiving Day you will hear in the east, where it all began, the starting of the day. Ovens opening, dishes taken down from the cupboard, glasses tinkling, silverware pulled from drawers. And then the scents of sage and thyme, turkey roasting, pies baking, and sounds again of doors opening to family, friends and neighbors. Next the exclamations as browned turkeys are set to table, the quiet rustle of napkins unfolding, the please and thank you's of passed dishes, the talking and laughter. And then, at the appointed hour, a pause, a silence and it begins; the reason for the day moves like a wave across this land from ocean to ocean in homes, and halls, and at tables set for those who have none. It rolls from east to west as the sun moves and brings the hour to each city, town and place. We each pause in turn to say Thank You Lord for this food, this day, this family, these friends, for gaining, maintaining, sustaining, remaining. Thank you Lord. Thank You!

Today and always I am thankful for my family and friends and most certainly for all of my dear bloggy buddies in all the places you live.

Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100: 4-5

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, and pass the turkey, please!


Betsy Brock said...

That was beautiful! Happy Thanksgiving!...hope you enjoy the day!

Lavinia said...

Lovely shining tribute to this day of days. Happy Thanksgiving to you!! and Your family!!!!

Margaret Ann said...

Your words are a gift in itself...Have a blissful Thanksgiving day! I am so grateful we "met"! :)

Anna Lefler said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

And, BTW, I just gave you a shout-out on my blog...



Pat said...

Beautifully said, and Happy Thanksgiving to you. I am waiting to do it on Sunday, since I don't have off work over here and it's just too tight!

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written. I'll pass the turkey just as soon as I finish helping myself to the dark meat!

soulbrush said...

and a very happy and peaceful thanksgiving to you and yours too dear bloggy friend (not blobby friend!) xx

Devoted said...

Well said, brilliant really! God bless you and yours this wonderful day. ~Theresa

steviewren said...

Thanks Muse, you've captured the whole meaning of the day in your post. Happy Blessed Thanksgiving to you too!

Dave King said...

Yes, so much to be thankful for - still.

Sparky said...

That was a sweet tribute.
We're also giving thanks for God's bounty and for all our friends and family.
Pass the white meat, would ya. [tee hee]
Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!
Sparky ♥ ∞ and Wiregrass Steve said...

happy thanksgiving Cynthia! You've been tagged! Check out my blog when you get a chance.

MuseSwings said...

Thank you all for stopping by! Except for Anon who is still hanging on to the turkey platter for dear life and piling DARK meat so high on his/her plate I can't see who it is - actually,I thank you too! I am thankful for my bloggy friends and frenemies - very thankful.

Anna! Thank you for the shout out! I have Cocao Puffs all over my keyboard from snorting at your hilarious and brilliant blog this morning! Moustache or no moustache you are the best!

Lavinia - dinner is at 2:00 - be there. Football will be on ALL day so we'll have plenty of time to plot our next adventure.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Now gimmie that turkey platter, anon, or things are going to get ugly.

Nihal said...

Wish you a safe and memorable Happy Thanksgiving Day, Dear Cynthia:) I can almost smell turkey, even from here;)

Btw, I liked your 'pass the turkey', hahaa... so funny indeed:)

N in Turquie*

(*) Today my prefer is french;)

Anonymous said...

Moosey, I've brought my own television set/vcr/ and whilst the gentlemen are busy with their port, cigars, and football, we shall be, as you say, plotting our next adventure whilst watching old black-and-white Bette Davis movies. Her suitably arch character roles shall no doubt inspire us!


MuseSwings said...

Nihal, thank you so much for coming all the way from Turquie to wish us a Happy Thanksgiving!

Lvna - Brilliant idea, yours. We should practice being more Bette Davisish! Arch! I love it! Have another piece of pumkin pie and let's get started. Which movie first?
Fasten your seatbelts - it's going to be a bumpy ride!
Little Cindy

Lavinia said...

All About Eve/ Now Voyager / The Letter. She was so fabulous in these!!

Kelli said...

Dear Cynthia,

Happy Thanksgiving! I was reading last night about the first Thanksgiving without realizing it's that time of year for you guys. Dah. We're mostly settled into our new home now. I've actually gotta go now as this public library computer is about to time out on me!

Catch you later!

MuseSwings said...

Livainia - that's a good combination and in the right order. Glad you left out that Baby Jane movie.

Kalianne - glad to hear you are getting settled! It well be nice to have you back in bloggieland. Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes, and hugs back to you!


Shelley said...

Beautiful words! Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and looking foward to a new year of your escapades!

Anonymous said...

Right-o, Musey. We'll leave the Baby Jane movie right out of it. After all, we went through all that back in Count Vania's castle and ghastly old crypt. Enough creeps to last a lifetime. But we came through it okay, especially after that 'stint' in the 'rest cure' facility in the Swiss Alps...


ChaChaneen said...

Beautiful post! Happy Thanksgiving! And thank you for your kind comments this holiday too. I'm bless by your blog friendship!