I've not presented a Blog In Bloom Award for quite some time, and I have some catch up to do! (Note to self -put ketchup on the grocery list). I have been following quite a few blogs lately that absolutely bloom with life, creativity, fun, nature, and beauty. Each is unique and and a treasure in and of itself. So without further adieu or additions to my grocery list I would like to acknowledge some of the many Blooming Blogs!
Bibi - a Yankee in Belgrade with daily photographic treasures of her adopted city. Each photo is a story within a story.
Debby - who's blog Life's Funny Like That took on a whole new meaning about 2 weeks ago with a discovery that all women dread and found a fierce courage that all women admire.
Betsy - who is a mom in a million of My 5 Men . Her blog blooms with treasures from her garden, kitchen and a unique life that only Betsy can manage with the love and faith inherent in her special nature.
Nihal - who shares with us in Crossroads the beauty of Istanbul, a magical city ancient and modern.
Lily - allows us to find the uniqueness and beauty of every day life on Long Island in Lily Hydrangea's Anonymous Blog and Long Island Daily Photo.
Sparky - brings the charm and history of an adventurous and inquisitive life into her fascinating My Thoughts Exactly.
Blicky Kitty - is a recent visitor brought over to us, I think by marshmallows roasting over the bonfire at our Indian Summer Picnic and delights us with snippets of life and humor
Soulbrush - is an artist and storyteller who's blog Soulbrush blooms with imagination and beauty.
Debra Kay - Who claims to be the worlds best procrastinator - which I thought I was so I have to thank her for letting me stand behind her in line, also her Beam Me Up Scotty blooms with a unique love of animals and life.
Congratulations, bloggyfriends!
There are no rules with this award. You are welcome to award fellow blooming bloggers if you wish - or not. Enjoy!
Golly, thank you. I'm not good about passing on awards, but I am grateful! Also, thanks for tips about how to insert a photo behind my blog title. I am about to try it and see how it looks....stay tuned!
Good - you don't have to pass it along - it's just for you! I'll be watching for that new banner!!!!
Good luck!
Congrats everyone! Love your new blooming banner!
Add grits to the list, would you dear? We're low.
Oh my goodness!! My FIRST blog award! Thank you so much MuseSwings. I'll display it proudly on my blog. :o))))) (miles of smiles) If you'll go to this link and you can have one from me:
((Hugs)) Sparky ♥ ∞
Oh, gees, thank you so much. That was very nice. I'm having such an encouraging day today!
I am honored and flattered Muse Swings. You just made my day. Thank you!
Sparky! Grits is a pemanent fixture on my grocery list. We shall not run out!
You are all very welcome! I enjoy all of your blogs very much!
Marie - a previous winner - Thank you for stopping by to congratulate everyone!
hey museswings, i feel honoured to be among these other great bloggers...you sure 'swing' dear one. hugs and thanks.
Thank you so much! I do love my critters.
Congrats to all these lovely bloggers! I must pay them all a little visit. :^)
Hi Cynthia, I was just over at Steviewren's and read your comment on the crown jewels. Hey Muse swings you been holding out on me? I thought you told me that you returned the emerald to that Austrian archduke after the Cortina ski resort 'fiasco' !(to put it delicately). Hmmmmmm.....
You are so sweet! Thank you! I do believe I need to catch up on passing out some awards myself! And your new header is just stunning! I love it!
Soulbrush, Debra Kay and Betsy! You are all very welcome! Your blogs are blooming and I just love visiting all of them!
Betsy - thank your comments about my new header!
Willow, do check them out!
Lavinia, The Archduke is still upset about that? I can't believe it - he has sooooo many jewels, how could he miss a few ole emeralds.
How we managed to keep the sauna fiasco out of the newspapers I'll never know, what with the paperazzi following you and Prince Filbert about the slopes. Has Fil broached the subject of the missing padparadscha saphire broach with you yet?
Lavinia - Prince Fil asked me to post a picture of the missing sapphire. I thought it was the least I could do. He seems to be a bit deranged about the whole thing.
Cynthia, when did Fil ask you to post a picture?? I thought he took a vow of silence when he ran away and joined that monastery in the Peruvian Andes! This is really shocking. As for the missing padparadscha sapphire ...well...er...I've actually been sworn to secrecy by the judge on that. You know, Judge Fudge from that town closest to the Cortina slopes. I think it was called...um...Lindt?
Cynthia! The priceless Padparadscha Sapphire ---I'm speechless!
I have to say, I sense the hand of Lady Flossella Fortuna in this caper. As they say on the herring-boats, something smells fishy and it ain't salmon!
Musewings: Gumshoe Birdbath and Seargent McBebbers are on the case. We'll find that missing sapphire in no time. No...no need to search *my* premises..heh heh...something about insurance regulations forbidding that, coupled with the neapolitan code, the one ratified over a dish of ice cream by some really really distinguished Italian judiciaries....
LL Fil has special permission to say 5 words a day. He said "Ask Lavinia About Padparadscha Sapphire."
He got in trouble with the Peruvian Abbott because of all the syllables in padparadscha and had to say 42 more words to explain.
Anyway, the air is too thin for him and he misses his turkish water pipe - the bubbles don't work that high up - so he's going to rescind his vows and head back for another round of (heh heh heh) "skiing". He's stopping in Lindt and not for chocolate - although I did ask him to send us some.
Cynthia, check out my sidebar. That danged sapphire is bound to turn up now....that the heat is on!
Flossie again..I just knew it...glad you have Sgt. McBebbers on the case.
Saaaaay, what was that pretty pink crystally thing I saw hanging from the chandelier in your drawing room?
Make sure McBebbers doesn't look up!
Muse-swings, for the alleviation of any and all confusion, (or just the opposite!) check out my latest post....
That pretty pink crystally thing? Hanging from my chandelier? Why, it was genuine imitation Swarovski crystal, I *swear*!
Dear Cynthia, I'm so flattered and honored to receive 'new' award from a person like you:) What I do know for sure is that it's a chance to recognize other bloggers that I think are up to some great things. I display it on my site with BIG pride, and many thanks you made my morning:)
((Hugs)) and Lots of Love.
Oh thank you thank you thank you Cynthia! What a fun wonderful creative group of folks! I've had more fun blogging this last month than in the past 6 months put together. I can't wait to check out all the other ones on here too.
Cheers! *holds up a colossal snifter of Armagnac accidently knocking over the cat's nail polish*
Nihal and Blicky, you are both very welcome! I love your blogs!
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