So. This important information is in a book, on a printed page and I felt obliged to share it with you. You may now go on with your serene day laden with the joy of the delightful tasks of homemaking, motherhood and tracking down Dr. West so we can hang him from a tree at dawn. I'll bring the tar and feathers and a sheet cake.
We'll discuss Puerperal Insanity and Insanity of Lactation along with the 34 other insanities and the trestment thereof that can be easily achieved during Maidenhood and Motherhood at a later time.
The vegetables are roasted corn and oven roasted potatoes with olive oil, lemon, fresh rosemary and salt and pepper. They're so easy to make and the lemon gives them a tangy flavor.
To make the potatoes: I just washed and cut the potatoes and put them in a bowl with 1/4 cup olive oil, about 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh rosemary, a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, and sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste. Stir the potatoes so they are evenly covered with the oil and seasonings. Then you put the potatoes in a baking pan - single layer - and bake them at 375 for about 20 to 30 minutes. Stir them 2 or three times while baking so most of the cut sides are browned. That's it!
I hope you have room for dessert and coffee!
Will you try a piece of maple pecan pie. The north and south kind of meet in this dessert, don't they?
Another choice, if you prefer, is a baked pear with maple syrup, raisins and pecans. No calories in this one. Oh and a pumpkin cappuccino!
I couldn't eat another bite either! I'm glad you enjoyed lunch. Ready for some fun? We have a big day ahead of us! We'll be travelling all over the US and the world today including Serbia, Australia, Turkey, France and our neighbors in Canada! This picnic may have already started in some time zones and it will continue all day and evening. Are you ready?? Let's go!
Hop in my airplane - there's plenty of room.
Put on your goggles and one of these wonderful silk scarves.
We're on our way! All of these bloggy buddies are hosting this picnic too- just click on the names and you'll be there before you know it! I've listed them in semi-alphabetical order. Sort of.
We'll have a great time!
Margaret Ann
Debra Kay
Lily Hydrangea
Have I missed anyone??? If I have, it may be that you have posted your RSVP elsewhere. Just leave a comment on this post and say "Stop By My Picnic Too!"
I'll add you to the list as soon as I find you in the comments. We don't want to miss anyone!!! Thank you all so much for contributing to another bloggyvent!
EVERYONE is welcome, even if you aren't posting a picnic today, so put on your traveling shoes and celebrate the first day of autumn today!
Well, okay, 5 things:
5) Bubonic Plague
I figure if I am conscious and nothing explodes I'm going to recover without medical intervention.
Besides. By the time I decided I had some deadly disease the doctor's office was closed for the weekend.
You only have until noon on Friday to see the doctor. After that you're on your own.
And, I am happy to report, I am completely recovered. From whatever it was. Probably nothing.