I live in Florida where one season just blends into the next. If it is cold outside it must be winter. If it's hot, well, it could be any day of the year. So I've created the magic of autumn! The picnic table is ready - it's right under the maple trees!

Just over the hill is a beautiful pond dappled with sunshine and waterlilies! We can cool the cider here!

Sit down and enjoy an apple while I unpack the picnic basket.

Did you come in the wagon? We can use it for a hay ride later today.

Everything is laid out for you. Make yourself comfortable and let's eat. We'll start with some delicious pumpkin soup with roasted pumpkin seeds. Tastes like autumn! I didn't use too much salt, did I?

The vegetables are roasted corn and oven roasted potatoes with olive oil, lemon, fresh rosemary and salt and pepper. They're so easy to make and the lemon gives them a tangy flavor.
To make the potatoes: I just washed and cut the potatoes and put them in a bowl with 1/4 cup olive oil, about 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh rosemary, a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, and sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste. Stir the potatoes so they are evenly covered with the oil and seasonings. Then you put the potatoes in a baking pan - single layer - and bake them at 375 for about 20 to 30 minutes. Stir them 2 or three times while baking so most of the cut sides are browned. That's it!
I hope you have room for dessert and coffee!
Will you try a piece of maple pecan pie. The north and south kind of meet in this dessert, don't they?
Another choice, if you prefer, is a baked pear with maple syrup, raisins and pecans. No calories in this one. Oh and a pumpkin cappuccino!
I couldn't eat another bite either! I'm glad you enjoyed lunch. Ready for some fun? We have a big day ahead of us! We'll be travelling all over the US and the world today including Serbia, Australia, Turkey, France and our neighbors in Canada! This picnic may have already started in some time zones and it will continue all day and evening. Are you ready?? Let's go!
Hop in my airplane - there's plenty of room.
Put on your goggles and one of these wonderful silk scarves.
We're on our way! All of these bloggy buddies are hosting this picnic too- just click on the names and you'll be there before you know it! I've listed them in semi-alphabetical order. Sort of.
We'll have a great time!
Margaret Ann
Debra Kay
Lily Hydrangea
Have I missed anyone??? If I have, it may be that you have posted your RSVP elsewhere. Just leave a comment on this post and say "Stop By My Picnic Too!"
I'll add you to the list as soon as I find you in the comments. We don't want to miss anyone!!! Thank you all so much for contributing to another bloggyvent!
EVERYONE is welcome, even if you aren't posting a picnic today, so put on your traveling shoes and celebrate the first day of autumn today!
YAHOO and away we gooooo, love pecan pie, always wanted to go on a hayride...happy autumn to you one and all, and thanks for the terrific invitation cynthia.
What a gorgeous autumn day! Thank you for the scrumptious vittles. How ever did you fit them all into that cute picnic basket? The pumpkin soup and pecan pie were delicious! I'm so full now, all I can do is roll around in the leaves! Please hoist me onto the wagon, I wouldn't want to miss the hay ride!
I'm heeeerrrrrreeeeee! Hello everyone! .....wait a minute...why am I the only one wearing buckskin, beads and moccasins? I thought this was an "Indian" picnic. Am I the only person who dressed up? Oh well, move over at the picnic table...me ready to make peace and feast with you!
Soulbrush! I love your picnic post!
Kalianne - I'll hoist you right onto the wagon.
So nice of you both to stop by - have another piece of pie and then let's see what everyone else has made for the picnic!
Stevie - you look perfect! Those moccasins look comfy! Oops - watch out! You dropped some of your beads in your cappucino! Wipeum wampum!
I am absolutely stuffed! I can't eat another bite! Pass that peace pipe Stevie!
YUMMY! You're makin' my mouth water girl! [drool] This is fun. Thanks for inviting me.
You do need to be retired. It is absolutely wonderful.
Sparky ♥ ∞
Marie and Sparky! Glad you could make it. Tuck these napkins under your chins and let's have another piece of pie!
Thank you for hosting this museswings. I enjoyed everyones creativity and found some interesting new blogs in the process.
Happy Autumn!
I apologize that I am late for the picnic and would like to offer a parting gift at www.northernmichiganexperience.blogspot.com .
I'm glad I made it in time for the hayride and hope some of that delicious pecan pie was left for me. While I'm here, I'm going to collect some pine cones on the ground and make some homemade bird feeders with peanut butter and bird seed.
Happy Indian Summer everyone!
Cynthia, I'm here! Woo hoo! Let the fun, eating, games, eating, gabbing, (did I mention eating?) begin! You've brought along a terrific spread, this all looks so marvellous! What a grand old time!
Oh, I loved the pumpkin soup-it was just right
Well, I've just made my rounds of everybody...how creative everyone is. The picnic is exceeding all expectations....we have food, music, poetry, dogs, blackberry jam, warm quilt blankets, a log fire for when it gets too nippy, special guests Diana and Anne from PEI...wow...everyone went all out.....
"Stop By My Picnic Too!"
Yummy pecan pie! Thanks and the plane is a wonderful idea! Make sure you fly to Holland as well!
Thanks for the invitation and the idea!
Greetings Marianne
Museswings, quick do something....some picnic 'renegades' are having a pumpkin seed-spitting contest over by ye olde oak tree...good heavens, do what you can to restore order and decorum!
Oh Lavinia, what to do, what to do! They've just spit one on the back of your head. Did you bring the rain ponchos? Perhaps if we put those on. We must protect your kid gloves at all costs. One of those seed people is Stevie -she looks a bit like Davy Crockett today. I'm going to hide the jam that Shelly gave me. They'll be throwing those next. Where are my smelling salts?
well way cool this is.
I am such a busy little bee right now, that I can't join in but I will have fun looking at you all.
so creative...
Cynthia, is that a seed? What a relief, I thought the dandruff was back.
Yes, I did bring raincoats...courtesy of the Delta Burke collection -- 1995. It was a very good year. She was a darn good designer and not a bad actress either!
I see you are right about Stevie. I had to hide her circa 1880's musket, but I haven't found the gunpowder stash yet....I'm too busy trying to decipher what this "henge" is that Dr. Peck was telling you about....
Sandy - I'm so glad you stopped by! Have another piece of chicken!
LL -Thank goodness you've hidden the musket. Is that a can of gunpowder - over there - by the campfire???? I'm not hedging any bets on the rest of that henge if that gunpowder goes off.
Hedging any bets on the henge? I might actually have a shot at understanding that if only I hadn't drunk so much of Kalianne's Red currant --hic!--wine.
As for that can of gunpowder, if you just give me a minute here,.....uh oh.....
(sounds of screaming and panic).
Um, yes, Cynthia. I think its pretty safe to say that...indeedly doodly, that *was* a can of gunpowder. Now if you'll excuse me a moment, I need to go and scrape an inch of soot off my clothes....
LL I'm just so glad I wore a babushka. My marcelle is still intact despite the explosion. However, I believe one of my eyebrows has been singed off. Would you please draw one on me? I have this magic marker... Yes, yes I'll wait til you scrape yourself off. You look kinda like a statue when you stand still!
This food looks sooo good! My mouth is watering now. Fun picnic!
I'm so glad I live in a place where I can enjoy the seasonal changes!! I'm looking forward to the beautiful autumn leaves...for me it's the highlight of the year!
Well, I see it's getting a little rowdy with all the pipe smoke and wine...I better be going...the food was dee-lish!
Mmmm...Everything tastes so goood...its only noon here in Arizona, USA and I am stuffed....Think I will take a break and do some sketching...Join me if you like! :)
WooHoo...What a wonderful day!
Margaret at Waterblossoms! :)
Hi Cynthia. I'm back. Well I went to a secluded part of the creek, removed my clothes, beat them against the rocks, then put them back on again. Thank goodness they're drip dry, is all I can say.
Oh by the way, we're down to the last few mussels, the amazing ones that Marianne made and brought all the way from Holland. I risked causing a riot by taking the last few....but here they are, in all their seafoody glory. Oh, let me do your eyebrow first....there! It's perfect! Smoky the Bear would approve!
I don't know which is better, your post or the conversation between you and Lavinia! You two crack me up laughing! Wow, where to begin! I love everything you brought to the picnic, especially the wagon rides, I am all over that! I think my buttons will bust at the first bump in the road from all the food and drink! I should have worn elastic!
Oh, boy, are we having fun! Your food is yummy, and it's been ages since I've had pecan pie...
LL Thanks for the eyebrow. It doesn't quite match the other - but it's ok.
I've just recently popped over to see Karla, Marianne and Margaret Ann. The two M's were just added to my non alphabetical list - so any picnicers who have not had a chance to stop by - there are treats in store from all three ladies!
Willow - we're trying to keep things under control, but you know how it is when there are only tobacco products and wine at one of the tables. Stay over here behind this big henge and enjoy some pumpkin soup!
Margaret Ann - your picnic contribution is spectacular! I shal give no hints here to the other readers. It's a must see for everyone.
Janeen and Bibi Thank you for joining in the fun! We just happen to have a yard of elastic and some safety pins in the plane, Janeen - we can rig something up. Why don't you two have another plate of fried chicken and then we can pop over to Karlas for an evening bonfire!
Well Muse, it's been one heck of a perfect autumn day from sunset to sundown. But, I have to say...I've gotten a bad rap from you and Lavinia. After all, Lavinia was the one who took her clothes off and you blew your own eyebrow off...and moi, why I was serving food, picking up the trash, pitching sticks with the doggies, snogging/meeting Mr. Peck...I couldn't have done any of those things you two minxes accused me of doing...not me....
Dear Cynthia, thank you for hosting this awesome fall picnic!!! I've been half-way round the world in a cute aeroplane! Saw that 'henge' thingy in Canada! Meet a real American Indian! Chased a pumpkin! Drank tumblerfuls of rathsberry cwordial, hic! See you at the bonfire tonight!
I finally made it. You guys really know how to throw a picnic. I am running late because I had to work late. I must save room for that pie. Yummy. Cynthia you definitely have a gift for having these parties. It gives me something to look forward to. My ex mother in law used to always say, "The wealthy like to eat late." So in keeping with the upper class I think you guys should come back for second helpings. I am happy we're here and together at our picnic. :)
Stevie! I er don't um don't know what to er say other than I didn't really need that eyebrow anyway. I see now what happened with Mr. Peck! Last time I spotted him there was a flash of buckskin and then he disappeared into the henge hedge.
Kaylianne! Yes! off to the bonfire -and s'mores! See you in a few. I was a wonderful day wasn't it! So glad you enjoyed it!
Trish! I'm so glad you have arrived. There's still plenty of food and drink and I must say I could use another bite of something myself! Let's have a seat at the table - and maybe we should pop over to Bibi's for some of that yummy bread. Then on to the bonfire!
Hello again, I came by for another bite, it's just been a grazing kind of day! I heard they are they are having a bon fire across the lake, let's go!
I'm having a blast dashing to everyone's posts for the picnic. This is too cool. All over the world we are having a wonderful picnic.. I must run over to Bibi's to check out bread. I never met a loaf I didn't like. I heard a rumor that you had gotten your hands on some fireworks. Wow! If it's true....woo woo
Wowie! What a day this has been...The sun is just now setting in the Arizona desert the western sky is all aglow in peaches and lavenders...my new found picnic friends are peaceful and content and filled to the brim with delicious food, sweet song, and delightful conversation.
Thank you Museswings for organizing this global event...What a feast for the soul! :) Can't wait until our next get-together!
OOOH, ooh, ooh!...Did I hear someone say there is going to be fireworks...!!! Maybe we better organize a "sleep over"...there is surely to be enough leftover food for a midnight snack or two!!! :)
Oooh! Does anyone have a good recipe for cinnamon rolls for breakfast? LOL :)
Muse swings! What on earth is a 'masher'? Does that have anything to do with boiled potatoes, butter, and milk?
By the way, you may have already heard...Dr. Peck came by and swept nanatrish away to dance the Blue Danube waltz when the string quartet started to play it. They are a very cute couple. Of course I was hoping he would ask me to dance, but hey, I have my consolation...the rest of those devilled eggs and another piece of that maple pecan pie. Who needs men when one has unlimited calories at one's disposal?!?
Janeen, Margaret Ann, Trish and Lavinia - I was having trouble with comments late in the evening of our wonderful picnic and was not able to acknowledge your comments. Sun, wasn't it!
Lavinia - a masher is a very old term for a guy who won't keep his hands to himself and keeps trying to hit on the ladies - whether he knows them or not. Whenever my daughter left the house I would tell her to watch out for mashers.
If you watched Laugh In, the dowdy old Gladys kept hitting the leering LaMonte with her purse on the park bench. He was a masher.
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