I've been blessed with good health, so whenever something new and different overtakes me I assume the worst.

This time I had it narrowed down to 4 things:
2) Ebola
3) Extra Terrestrial Body Invasion
4) Stage 56 cancer of every available body part.
Well, okay, 5 things:
5) Bubonic Plague
I figure if I am conscious and nothing explodes I'm going to recover without medical intervention.
Besides. By the time I decided I had some deadly disease the doctor's office was closed for the weekend.
You only have until noon on Friday to see the doctor. After that you're on your own.

This morning, when I woke up I was pleased to see that I was alive.
And, I am happy to report, I am completely recovered. From whatever it was. Probably nothing.
As is often the case, all photos courtesy of Flickr.
I am the same way. Good health so whenever something goes out of whack, I start thinking the worse, worse, worst!
Glad to see you are feeling better. Might have been something you ate didn't agree with you.
Hope you're tip top for the picnic!
Lavinia! Thank you - based on what I've been eating lately that was probably it! I'm set for the picnic.
Whew! Glad to hear it wasn't bubonic plague and that you don't look like the Bride of Frankenstein!
Thankyoueversomuch for your kindness and support, Willow!
Glad you are better! Isn't it crazy how our imaginations can run away when we are sick? Glad it was so quick lived!
Glad you're better for the picnic tomorrow. Good thing we're not having it here; it's pouring!
I'm so sorry you are under the weather. Just rest and relax. Many will be showing up for the picnic, but don't fret it will all be easy breezy. Eating everyone's special treats at the picnic should make you feel much better.
I missed the part that you had recovered. Hooray!
Glad to hear that your doing so much better! Your symptom disease list was really funny! Have a great weekend and see you tomorrow at the picnic!
Whooo, I'm glad you fought back from the brink of death and disaster. The picnic wouldn't have been any fun without you!
See ya tomorrow!
Thank you so much, ladies! It was the thought of the picnic and all the delicious food and surprises that caused the cure, I'm sure! Thank you all for visiting! I love it when you all pop over!
this made me giggle so much...glad the aliens and wotnots haven't landed! am going to add you to my list of favourites!
Very cute post - you made me laugh out loud! I'm glad you're feeling better! (I too always think I have appendicitis when my side hurts - LOL!)
Yoo Hoo! Are you getting ready for our picnic? I've been 'virtually' whipping up my picnic treats 'virtually' all day!!
Now to decide on my wardrobe!
Hi and thanks for coming by and visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment.
San Diego was amazing -- I do hope you get a chance to go again someday and have more of a look around!
I'm like you - as an RN I am always frantic when someone dear to me, or myself, is ill as I will begin going through the list of signs and symptoms of every disease trying to rule it out. Most of the time it's nothing --thank goodness! :-)
Oh dear, so glad that you're feeling better now. We went through our own course of the "the plague" (salmonella) at our house just a few weeks ago -- it. was. NO. fun. at. all.
Thanks for stopping by my place earlier and commenting! I started thinking about my postcards this weekend -- what fun! You have a delightfully, eclectic blog.
well once again I had a great laugh (at your expense,...sorry and sorry that you weren't feeling well).
I'm like you, I don't get sick often so it's always something dreadful, deadly and very foreign when I do, in my mind that is.
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