The Atlantic looks like a plate of sunny side up eggs that no one wants to show up at their breakfast table. You can see the remnants of Gustave covering the mid-west states. Following on his heels are Tropical Storm Hanna, Hurricane Ike and Tropical storm Josephine. The three of them are making a 3000 mile long conga line across the Atlantic. It makes for some pretty interesting weather reports.

Hanna will be more of a problem to the Carolina's and Georgia. There is still lots of room for error, but right now it looks like she will pass by Florida without causing more trouble than some high surf warnings.

Ike, on the other hand, is a problem. He went from a category 1 to a category 4 between the 5 and 11 PM news reports this evening. He's also small - like Charlie and Andrew were. Charlie hit south west Florida by Ft. Meyers and we barely felt a breeze. Andrew devastated the Miami area and we didn't get much of his action either. They both were initially forecasted to hit our part of the state with Charlie coming directly into Tamp Bay and Andrew crossing central Florida east to west. We had several evacuee friends staying with us while we watched Charlie plow up the east coast. All the bridges to the beach areas were closed and we were told that all electricity would be turned off within an hour when Charlie suddenly made a jog and devastated the Ft. Meyers area instead of ours. It's too early to say what Ike has planned, but he is a potential troublemaker.

Josephine will probably just twirl around in the Atlantic for a while without making landfall.
So, along with CSI reruns and the Republican Convention we are keeping a weather eye on the news.
In the meantime, it's life as usual with the Mister scritching, the doggies scratching and me doing what all honorable unemployed people do: what ever I please.
Here's hoping you stay safe!!
I'll drink to that!
Ha! It does look like a conga line! Stay safe down there!! Batton down those hatches.
Hurricane season is here!!
Triple whammy. Harridan Hanna, Irritating Ike and Jezebel Josephine. Hang onto Toto and tell any Auntie Em's you have to go for a bike ride!
Well I see by your sidebar that tomorrow is the one month anniversary since your inaugural tea. I wonder if the honorably unemployed amongst us (not naming any names here!) might perchance have the time to organize a.....Indian Summer picnic! The tea was such fun......it would be fun to do it all over again in some nice shady spot on a hillside beneath a tree with a nice vista.....I'd be game to bring the potato salad and one or two other goodies....
An indian summer picnic! What a lovely Idea! I'll get to work on that. A month since tea - I am famished! Brilliant idea LL
A whole month. Time goes fast when you're having a blast, and even when you're not. Avery and I got a kick out of the tea party and if you guys come up with a picnic we will be the first in line. Let's order a nice cool breeze and no ants and mosquitos. Something else fun!!
Mmmm, a Indian summer picnic, please be sure to send me an invite. Will petal pushers and a straw hat be appropriate attire? I'll put the potatoes on to boil because I make a mean potato salad.
All this bad weather needs to get itself over and done with!
Stevie and Trish - of couse you will be invited! M-m-m I love potato salad! I'll make the invitations and set a date very soon.
Wonderful! If Steviewren wants to make her famous potato salad that is fine by me, I will make my wonderful parsnip fritters. They're always a hit!
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