Friday, January 30, 2009

Wayward Sister Becomes Pirate

This just in: My sister Janet, tired of the humdrum life of the upright, downtrodden citizen has run off and become a pirate! Aaarggh matey! Word has it she has joined Ye Loyal Krewe of Samuel Bellamy, the Prince of Pirates, and is known to her pirate friends as Lady of the Night Wear.

This picture, extracted from CIA files shows Janet with her new found pirate friend and fellow wench, Brigette. Their immediate plans are to invade Tampa later this month along with the motley Krewes of Gasparilla led by Jose Gaspar. These surly pirates and their wenches invade Tampa each year in February. They throw beads at our children, take over the streets of Tampa and Ybor City, and then when they have maxed out Debby's and Stevie's credit cards they return to their ship and leave town for the exotic realms of the Caribbean remaining elusive until they return the following year. (I'm tellin' Mom)

I am currently negotiating with the Krewe to invade Kat's place and swipe the Faberge egg she claims to have recently purchased in Belgrade while holding Bibi hostage in an armoire. I knew having a pirate in the family would be an advantage.

Congratulations on your new career, Janet. I'll admit it beats sitting home and listening to your 401K make slurping noises. I could use a few doubloons, please.

I received this delicious coffee from The Beanstock Coffee Roasters compliments of Cassoulet Cafe! CC offered prizes of two lbs of free coffee to 5 randomly chosen contestants in return for comments on her blog with a good coffee addict story.

I told CC about the time Mr. Coffee neglected to mention a recall on my coffee maker and the house caught fire early one morning while I was minding my own business shaving my armpits in the shower.

Cassoulet Cafe is a wonderful blog of humor and coffee lore served up with a steaming cup of your favorite brew! Thank you CC! This came just in time to help me weather our Florida cold snap.


Cindy said...

Argghhh.... I have a pirate in the family too (me daughter) I think we need a support group! Or maybe we just need to become pirates too.

MuseSwings said...

Arrghh - I think it's time for us to run away and become pirates too, Matey!

Marie Reed said...

There is even a website that will translate your text into pirate speak! You could write a post in pure pirate!

Bella@That damn expat said...

You received something else too. An award! Did you see?

soulbrush said...

methinks we just need the support....forget the group!

Dawn Fine said...

Lol ..I always get a kick out of your stories...I never know if they are true..if bits are true..or...well I dont care...
the stories are fun...
We are headed to the Panhandle...I think it will be much colder there...oh well
in search of the ivory billed woodpecker...

MuseSwings said...

Dawn - I'm so surprised! I was sure everyone out there believed every single amplified, enhanced and myth. er I mean story I tell. This one is true - both the pirate thing and the fire thingie...yep.

Bella, you damn expat! Thanks for the award. I shall wear it proudly and thank you in public shortly!

Anonymous said...

Cindi, you are too much. And a correction please, my moniker is Lady of the Evening...Wear...let's get that right. LOL..and to the comment about whether your stories are true or not...well you do have a very vivid imagination and need to get out more..but this story is correct...I am a loyal Krewe member of Samuel Bellamy and will be taking over the streets of Tampa next weekend. Look out all you single pirates in my age group. I might just have to shackle you and take you home with me.
Thank you dear sister, you are crazy.

Anonymous said...

My parents talk about the pirates in Tampa. I cracked up with your line...I was in the shower minding my own business shaving my armpits LOL.

Debby said...

Well, heck. I thought all the pirates were on Wall Street!

Betsy Brock said...

Fun, fun! Now I want to be a pirate!

The coffee looks scumptious!

Linda said...

I wanna be one too! Argghhhh..☺

steviewren said...

Nice dress Janet has on...please ask her if I can borrow it for our next pirate party?

Blicky Kitty said...

Arrrgggh we don't have any pirates -- except the pretend ones that come looking for baby kitties when the younger moppet and I are playing baby kitties on the chair.

It's a game that allows for tons of cuddles and she doesn't realize she's giving away tons of free cuddles (normally I only get so many per day) because she's being a baby kitty hiding from pirates with her mumma kitty. Arrrgh I have to make a lot of arrrgh noises if I want to get in extra moppety snuggles.

Julie said...

Yes I am a pirate...200 years too late...

Pat said...

Bibi's out of the armoire, finally. I'm about to go over and pay Kat a visit...grrrr.

sandy said...

how cool, arrrggg, ...aye a pirate. how fun for her.

slurping over her dwindling 401 K...hahaha.

Anonymous said...

My favourite part. 'I'm telling Mom.'

Love Renee