A dendrobium hybrid "Dusty Dawn". The flowers last for weeks. This is on a large plant that has many blossoms along each of the stems. There are over 1,000 species of dendrobiums and countless hybrids.
A new aquisition - a hybrid cymbidium with large long lasting waxy saffron flowers. No scent but plenty of good looks. These are vigorous growers from India and China. Cymbidium is from the Greek kymbos, meaning boat shaped cup. There are 44 species of cymbidium orchids.
Hybrid Phalaenopsis "Daniella" Has many buds and will be in bloom until the end of summer. It is in the larger pot in the lower right. Just in front is a small bright yellow hybrid getting ready to bloom. Phalaenopsis is from the Greek phalaina (moth) and opsis (appearance). These are sometimes referred to as moth orchids. There are about 50 species of phalaenopsis.
Dendrobium aggregatium - a species rather than hybrid - blooms smell faintly of honey and are native to India and Thailand. I've had it growing in a hanging orchid box for 7 years. Dendrobium comes from the Greek dendron meaning tree and bios meaning life.
Species orchids are those that occur in nature. Many species orchids bloom just once a year.
Hybrid orchids are crosses between 2 of the same species or between 2 or more species. Hybrids are grown for color, size, shape, scent etc. They are also grown to increase the number and frequency of blooms and to create more vigorous plants.
Orchids grown from seed - which is best left to the professionals - often take up to 5 years to mature and bloom.
All orchids bloom. It's all about the flower. If you own an orchid that does not bloom, there's a problem. I have a couple of orchids that will not bloom for me and I have not yet figured out why. The leaves and growth are healthy, but they are being stubborn. It could be not enough of or too much of any of the following -or a combination of any of the following: light, food, water, cool temperatures, warm temperatures, elevation and humidity. I find the easiest way to get an orchid to bloom is to threaten it with extinction.
LOL, threaten an orchid with extinction, LOVE IT!!
Just like a zealous pruning will sometimes coerce a recalcitrant rosebush into bloom.
I have tulips and daffodils blooming today, but it's supposed to be in the 20's for the next couple of nights, so I think they're going to be short-lived.
Hola! Maybe that impudent flower peeking in your window is seeking employment? Make sure he has a social security number before hiring him. [giggle]
We're in LaFayette, Lousy-anna tonight, heading home. Are we there yet? [lol]
Absolutely lovely, Muse!
You have a green thumb. I want the chocolate scented orchid!
I bought a small orchid a few months back and it hasnt done much of anything. I guess because living in a motorhome the conditions for growing are always changing.
So should I tell my orchid to bloom or its outta here?
This isn't fair! We had sleet today! :(
Very pretty. We make our chickens lay eggs the same way.
Extinction? Isn't that drastic? Maybe you could start out with something like water boarding first.
wow and you even speak another language, how impressive, the flowers and the lingo.
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