Tuesday morning, at 6:15, I was awakened by the little man who lives inside of our weather radio. First he pushed the alarm button for a while. Then he started talking in his best computerized voice. As I shuffled my way to the living room, in the dark, I'm thinking "Is the thing broken?" Has the little guy gone starkers?" The only word I heard him say was "Pinellas." So I'm thinking WHAT? Everything but Pinellas? Pinellas only? We're kind of wedged in between several other counties here, and we hardly ever get anything that we don't share with Pasco and Hillsborough. By the time I stubbed my toe and got my PJ's caught on a doorknob he'd gone on the the nautical weather "Do I need to build an ark? Is there a ship coming? What? Not being able to see anything but the orange WATCH alert light I tried to get him to quit talking by pushing all the buttons - except for the right one. I probably reprogrammed the thing for weather reports from Mauritania.

I looked outside and saw lightening far off in the distance. Haven't seen any of that in months. I guessed the little guy was on to something, so I turned on the Bay News 9. Our eternal news station. Nothing there about weather, but after a few minutes the little alert strip lit up and the news person shared the screen with the weather guy. Severe storm warnings and a tornado watch until 2:00 PM.

Around 9:00 things started to darken up outside and the wind picked up. The little radio man pushed his siren button again and the WARNING light went on. Meantime, the weather lady is finally getting an opportunity to show off the new Klystron 9 radar. High def - 3D colors. Graphs and charts. What a show.

I'm thinking there's no basement in the entire county. I have 20 tons of tree branches hanging over my house at all angles. Where could I possibly go? By this time it looks like midnight outside, the rain is blowing sideways and the 20 ton's of trees are bowing at odd angles. My little white dog, Layla has become magnetized. She will not leave my person. We are one. I toddled off to the bedroom - it would be nice to let the mister know that we're in mortal danger. I poke him in the shoulder - he opens his eyes, says he's been listening to the news and sirens and closes his eyes again. The bed looks very warm and inviting, so I lay down with my magnetized dog and we all promptly fall asleep.
I wake up two hours later to the sound of 2 snoring dogs plus the Mister, a nice rainfall and no tree branches sticking through the roof. Well done!
And A Big Thank YOU!

My dear bloggyfriend
Soulbrush annointed my person with this beautiful sparkly Certified Queen of Blogs award! It is stunning, I love it, and I will wear it with pride. Thank you Soulbrush! I will award it to bloggyfriends a little later this week! Soulbrush recieved this award last week - well deserved for such an artful and wonderful blog.
My mom used to make herself a Manhattan and sit in the middle of her cinderblock house. I think she was thumbing her nose at the fates.
I'm glad you and your trees are still with us.
I love it! I always sleep through the storms, too.
I just think it would be easier, and more pleasant, to wake up dead than it would be to go on worrying about it for hours on end.
Rudee - I'm putting a sticky note on the weather radio so I'll remember to make a manattan next time - or at least a vodka and tonic.
blognut - storms always lull me to sleep. You're right about better dead than worrying about it.
I can tell that I'm a bit too addicted to blogging. My first thought was, 'Thank God she still has an internet connection!"
I am thankful not to live in a major storm area, though we have been now and then shaken by an earthquake...not recently though. Oh.
Maybe Layla didn't want to get carried off like Toto!
I am glad all is alright. We are use to that here in sweet home Alabama, lol. Blessings
This reminds me of the night of Hurricane Floyd. I'd barricaded everyone in the basement with plywood over the windows, then went upstairs to keep an eye on things (as well as possible since it was pitch black outside). The couch looked WAY too inviting and next thing I know it's morning, the storm has passed and there's a 75-foot willow oak lying across the back yard that missed almost everything somehow. But the trampoline was a goner.
Mojo - those trampolines have no staying power.
Marie - that is always my first concern as well.
Betsy - I think she didn't want to end up in Kansas.
Bibi - I'll be praying for solid earth for you!
Linda - yes - several of the middle states are always having to duck from something.
Glad all was peaceful at your home and that you also got a great blog post from it... AND as Marie said, still have an internet connection. I love the bold weather graphic - so ominous!
Congratulations on the Award! You Rock!
I'm so glad you had no storm damage, whew.
Florida has some doozy storms to be sure. We live in a kind of tornado alley in SE Georgia. [shudder] I made sure no trees hang over or are near our house. Keep 'dem tornados away from me! They're scary. Glad y'all are safe and well rested.
BTW, what happened to Lucy? Don't y'all still have her?
And congratulations on the 'recieved' award allready! [lol] Sorry, couldn't resist. [giggle] It's a pretty award and well deserved.
Sometimes it helps to simply ignore any impending danger. I am glad you made it safely through.
makes me think of dorothy when her house was blown away to oz...glad that didn't happen to you.
Tee hee..cute post...hope your pup is demagnetized by now.
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