Self Explanatory
Once an endangered species, American crocodiles' numbers have rebounded to nearly 2,000 in coastal south Florida, their only habitat in the continental United States. That puts them in increasing contact with humans, especially in areas where backyards border on canals around Miami and the Florida Keys."
A couple of things came to mind when I read this:
1) I imagined a crocodile with Betty Boop refrigerator magnets taped to his head.
.2) I pictured the Wildlife guys at a meeting, feet on the desk, short sleeved shirts with ties, pencils behind their ears, donuts everywhere, throwing out ideas to keep crocs from going back to the pond. So far the list reads 1) shoot 'em 2) shoot 'em again.
Then Herbie Saltpeter, who hasn't said anything at all in any meeting for 27 years throws out the magnet idea. They jump on it because 1) they all have duct tape in the truck and 2) they also figure since Herbie hasn't had an idea in twenty seven years, this must be the voice of God that has spoken through him.
.3) The quote "Hey, we might as well give this a try" sounds suspiciously like the question: How do you know when to dial 911 in Florida?
Answer: Anytime anyone says "Hey ya'll watch this!"
.4) I thought how we can easily cut the divorce rate: Just tape a couple of refrigerator magnets to the Mister's baseball cap and send him out for a pack of cigarettes.
Cattleya Aurantiaca
Laelia Milleri
The middle orchid is an Howeria, and it is an intergeneric hybrid between Leochilus (Mexico), oncidium (Caribbean) and Rodriguezia (Panama) It blooms twice a year, and has long lasting flowers.
The orchid on the right is a Dendrobium Farmeri - this is a species orchid described first in 1840 It blooms in the spring and is from India and Thailand. This particular one is a division that I made. These are all old canes that that have bloomed in previous years and have lost their leaves. I'm hoping new canes will grow on this one. The other half of the division is younger, has lots of new canes and isn't bald like this poor guy. This orchid blooms once a year in the Spring. On larger, younger plants there are multiple flowering spikes.
None of these orchids are scented. Bummer dude.
1) Fireflies
2) Tiny baby Fingers
It's the prefect place for artistic postcards from Bloggyfriends, don't you agree?
Stop by Marie's Voila! Vintage Postcards to see who else is participating in Friday Friendship Postcards
Let's open the pink champagne
Let those happy bubbles rise
Bake a pink cake
And celebrate! Hugs and Love on this happy day, Debby!!!!!
I'll have another wee drop of opiates to tide me over during the ceremony
The wedding ceremony is generally trying to the sensitive nerves of the bride. Instinctively modest and retiring, as most women are, the publicity of the ceremony abashes them. Being the central subject of the day shames, embarrasses and oppresses her. This mental state is trying. It has it.s ulterior effects rendering her nervous excitement greater and the exhaustive process more rapid and more emphatic (Perhaps, Mother, we should drive to the church in an ambulance) . Happily for her the ceremony is brief. If she can carry herself to this climax without experiencing undue excitement she will have little trouble preserving her calmness until the end ( climax? She ain't seen nuthin' yet!)
You go back out there and get those self sticking stamps right this instant.
Not all guests will be thoughtful of the nerves of the bride. The novelty of being the central figure in the day’s events, the vigilance necessary to preclude annoying blunders, etc. (is that ETcetera or Excetera?) will add to the drain on her vital powers. It must not be forgotten that nervous exaltation, however delightful is exhausting. It will inevitably followed by a season of depression as great and prolonged as was the antecedent excitement. It is therefore important that the wedding and reception be as simple and brief as social ettiquet will allow. The change from maidenhood to wifehood (You’re going to do WHAT? With WHAT???) is of sufficient magnitude to demand, for it’s safe and happy accomplishment, (OH NO YOU”RE NOT) the most favorable conditions attainable (Don’t you take one more step Stanley or I shall scream). Not a few women there are whose failing health dates from marriage. Many of these women do not know yet, precisely that it was not the marriage which laid the foundation for a shattered system, but the unnecessary and imprudent conduct of the festivities. (This is where the phrase “I have a headache” comes in handy)
(We are going to ask Dr. West to stop right here and return later for part II of this very important discussion. He natters on in his book for another 23 pages on the subject of the wedding preparations, ceremony and reception! It’s important that you hear every single word, and I am quite sure that he has put you in a high state of excitement already. You probably feel the need to lie down and apply a cold compress for the rest of the day. )