Jackson Square, New Orleans Louisiana
Happy Postcard Friendship Friday! I thought I would focus on "Today in History" as the theme for Postcard Friendship Fridays this year.
Today, January 8, is the anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans, the last battle in the War of 1812. An outnumbered army, lead by General Andrew Jackson, defeated the British. The battle of New Orleans was won on January 8, 1815
There were many causes for the War of 1812. The major cause was the refusal of the British to allow the United States to trade commerce with France due to Britain's ongoing war with the French. The Treaty of Ghent, signed in late December 1814 ended the war, but it was weeks before news of the settlement reached General Jackson. It's sad he didn't have a Facebook account. He might have known moments after the last signature was applied; "
Hey you ole reprobate! Git on home! War's over. WE WON! ROFLMAO :-)" Lacking any telecommunications whatsoever, Jackson's troups fired on the British and they"
ran through to briers and they ran through the brambles and they ran through the bushes where a rabbit wouldn't go. They ran so fast that the hounds couldn't catch them, down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico." according to Johnny Horton's song of 1959. Click on the lyrics for a video of Johnny Horton looking like he hates the costume he's having to wear.
Francis Scott Key penned the Star Spangled Banner at Fort McHenry during the War of 1812 and Captain Oliver Hazard Perry sent the immortalized dispatch to headquarters: "We have met the enemy, and they are ours." after winning the Battle of Lake Erie. He was speaking of the Canadians as well as the British here - sorry, neighbors! We love ya! All is forgiven!

This vintage card was postmarked August 14, 1907 and mailed from (?) Mississippi to Wilmington Delaware.
The message reads: A terrific storm just began after an intolerably hot day - Why don't you write to me - you young reprobate? As ever, Hubley.
I LOVE the word reprobate! We must use it more often. It means
utterly depraved. Abandoned to sin. Hubley sounds like a tongue in cheek laugh a minute.
The Battle of New Orleans was one of the pivot points that lead to General Andrew "Old Hickory" Jackson's election as 7th President of the United States. He was known as "Old Hickory because of his toughness. His beloved wife Rachel died of a heart attack just two months before he took the oath of office. She left 10 children, all of which were either wards of the family or adopted by the Jackson's due to the deaths of family members. One exception was Lyncoya Jackson, a Creek Indian orphan the Jackson's adopted after the Creek war. Lyncoya was to be educated at West Point, but died at age 16 of tuberculosis.

Niece Emily Donalson acted as First lady for part of Jackson's term. She closed the period of mourning for Rachel on New Years Day, 1830, hosting a party at the White House.

Sara Yorke Jackson, Jackson's daughter-in -law, became co-host in the White House in 1834. This was the only time in history that two women acted as First Lady simultaneously. She took over when Emily became ill and retired from her duties.
I usually talk about the foods of the region, but to properly mention the wonderful French, Spanish, African and Native American influenced Louisiana foods that we enjoy takes a cookbook. The Cajuns, Arcadians and Creoles all have delicious recipes that make use of the wonderful seafood including crawfish and alligator, as well as the vegetables, grains and fruits that thrive in the region. I found one interesting dish that you may not be aware of; chicken bread. It was made by the plantation workers and consists of flour, cornmeal, shortening, salt and milk and is made in the frying pan after the chicken is done frying. Sounds delicious! Sounds like a great cornbread.
There are two schools of thought on cornbread in the US. One includes the addition of sugar - the other does not. I'm pretty sure if I delve a little further into the history of the Old South I will find a war fought between the "Sugars" and the "Naughts". I'm on the Sugars side of this battle. What's your preference?
Thank you so much for stopping by! Be sure and mosey on over to Marie at Voila! Vintage Postcards for links to the other PFF posts!