The Open Air Station as it looks today
The Post Office, which is still in use, opened in 1916 and is in the National Register of Historic Places. Mail is still delivered by carriers riding bicycles on the business routes immediately surrounding the post office.

The card is postmarked December 19, 1944
It reads:
This is just the way it looked yesterday when we were downtown and everyone was wishing a merry Christmas. It don't seem a bit like Christmas. Love, F
The True, Heald, and Walker Store, Lovell Maine
The postcard was addressed to Mr. J. W. True, Lovell Maine
Lovell Main is a small town located on the border of Maine and Massachusetts.
In 1774 the Massachusetts House of Representatives granted a petition asking that a township "east of the Saco and north of Frye Grant" be given to the "heirs of Captain John Lovewell and to the heirs of those men that fell with him at Peqwacket (now Fryeburg) and to those that were with him in said engagement, their heirs and others. This Grant was called New Suncook, and, while it is not certain who the earliest settler may have been, the first census taken of the United States in the year 1790, lists the names of twenty-two Free White Males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. Further enumerated, were twenty-five Free White males under 16 years of age, and thirty-eight Free White Females, bringing the total population to eighty-five inhabitants. The 2000 census lists a population of 974.
.The True and Walker Store, Lovell Maine
.Although I did not have sufficient information to do a successful search for information on either the sender or receiver, I did find the two stores in Lowell that included the family name True. It is possible that JW is a descendant of this family..
Not surprisingly, "It don't seem a bit like Christmas" is a phrase commonly heard here during the Christmas holidays. This may have been compounded for "F" by the fact that WWII was still being fought. Rationing would have made it difficult to find ingredients for the traditional Christmas dinners. Victory gardens thrived year round though, providing fresh fruit and vegetables for Floridians. The balmy weather and palm trees were a far cry from a harsh Maine winter. "F" might have been in the Christmas spirit if he/she could have known that the war would end in 1945.
Sugar was one of the first items released from rationing while nylon stockings were not available in great quantities until 1947
Great postcard and thanks for sharing its history.
O, that St. Pete post office card is glorious! The description and note are great too. You couldn't find a better postcard for Postcard Friendship Friday.
Wow, it's a hot evening there.....we are expecting a nice weekend with sun, yea!
Who needs nylons? Pass the sugar!
Hanging ornaments from palm tress and enjoying balmy Florida weather sounds like a Christmas right up my alley! Here I go grumbling again... I'm wearing a sweater and pantyhose under my pants because its STILL so darn cold! I'm with BIbster.. pass the sugar!
St. Petersburg looks beautiful. I love all the colors and the pretty sleek looking cars. I would have to apply for LOTS of sugar because I really need it.I wish I had a loggia. MB doesn't have loggias - just beat up old boardwalks that are hot as all. Happy PFF :)
I always look forward to your blog. Great postcard of St. Pete.
It's always a pleasure for me to read the interesting background stories of postcards you discover and share with us! I love your blog! :-)
What a wonderful post .. I especially love that FL isnt very Christmas-like ..
A fascinating read, Muse, and Happy Blogoversary!
I just noticed your other blog. Am heading right over! :))
I was fortunate enough to spend about a week in Lovell and Center Lovell, Maine, about ten years ago. It is small and quiet, and everyone there was friendly to this stranger.
I miss PFF. Hopefully I'll be back next week.
Am I right in thinking that this post office was right on the beach?
Oh the joy of being a muse ,you get to travel the world at will, and embrace such amusing places and oh the Postcards one can gather are spectacular . Truly awesome postcards today.
Happy Postcard friendship Friday to you.
Had a great time visiting your blog today.
Have a happy weekend.
I've been to the PO in St. Pete before. Lovely building.
I'll bet the town of Lovell is grateful to be in Maine now and not in Tax-U-Useless. [lol]
Have a great weekend pal! :o) Got anything special planned for your Blogoversary?
How cool.
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