Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hello My Saucy Friends!

Tiffany and Heather have a saucy blog. It's called The Secret is in The Sauce. Are you among the 2890 members who know that the secret of success is support and the secret to support is in this Sitstahood?!? It is a group of women bloggers dedicated to supporting one another by leaving comments. Lots and lots of comments.

Tiffany and Heather are dedicated to bloggers meeting bloggers, blog recognition and shout-outs. They have been kind enough to announce several of our Bloggy Adventures which resulted in new participation and new Sitsta friendships.

Why do I mention this? Because I am honored to be the Featured Blogger at SITS today!

Since you've stopped by, how about a refreshing glass of pink lemonade. Perfect for a Sitsta Summer day.

If you are new to the Sitstahood click here to sign up.

Way to go Heather and Tiffany! Thank you!

Recognition works both ways!

You two are true Sitsta's!


Sarah Brown said...

I am never the first to do anything but what do you know...here I am!!!! Happy SITS Day to you my dear. Beautiful looking blog.

Mesina said...

Happy SITS Day!!! The blog is so gorgeous, I'm just about to have a rummage around the place and I promise to leave it in pristine condition. Well done and enjoy your day in the spotlight!! xx

Unknown said...

Congrats from N Ireland.

Enjoy your day :)

Jen Sue Wild said...

Yumm I love pink lemon aid!!
Thanks for the sip!!
Happy SITS day to you!!

Patty Reiser said...

Thanks for treating us to your unique blog. The drinks were wonderful! :)
Wishing you a scent-sational day in the SITS limelight!

scrappysue said...

pink lemonade - how cute! congrats on your big day!

mammydiaries said...

Congrats on your SITS day! Had a sip of lemonade and a great laugh at Dr. Wilson's wedding adventures:) Hope you have a great day and will see (read?) you again!

Tania @ Larger Family Life said...

Congratulations on your SITS day!

mamammelloves said...

Happy SITS day! I'm sure it will be a wonderful day! :)

Unknown said...

Happy Sits day...Great blog!

Lora said...

It's sparkling pink lemonade...and it's either from Trader Joe's or Target.
Either way, we're going to get along JUST fine

Happy SITS day!

Laura said...

Ooo pink lemonade, thank you very much :D
Congrats on your SITS day!! Nice blog :)

Snooze said...

Happy SITS-day from Holland! I never tried pink lemonade before :) I'll be trying some and checking out your blog. Enjoy all your attention!

MamabearMills said...

congrats on your feature today! fellow SITS member! come check out my giveaways!

Dumb Mom said...

Happy happy SITS day! How exciting for you. It should be tons of fun. Hope you like company... and comments. Enjoy:)

JennyMac said...

Classy reciprocation! And happy FB day!

Robin said...

WooHoo!.....Look at you! It's your day to bask in the SITS sun. Congratulations!
I hope today is a most beautiful day for you.

Queenie Jeannie said...

Happy SITS Day!! Enjoy all the bloggy love coming your way!

I love your Dr. West posts, lol!

Lynn Kellan said...

Happy SITS day!

Beth in NC said...

Yay for being the featured blogger! Enjoy your big day SITsta!


Anonymous said...

Stopping by from SITs!! Happy FB day! I loved looking at the antique postcards.....

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your sits day!

Steph said...

Happy SITS day!

Steph @ pleasestickitinthefridge.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS Day!
Lovely blog!

natalee said...

Happy SITS DAY!!!!! LOVE YOUR BLOG natalee http://totmama.blogspot.com/

When Pigs Fly said...

Have a wonderful SITS day! Off to check out the rest of your site.

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS Day..!!

Lesley said...

Congratulations on bing the FB today....Love me some pink lemonade!!!

Christina Lee said...

Happy SITS day- what a lovely blog!

lov said...

happy sits!!

steviewren said...

Hi Musey! I've been missing your daily blogging. Whatcha been up to? Having a life or sumpin?

Melissa B. said...

Greetings & Salutations! Congrats on your special SITS day...

Anonymous said...

I feel so special! That pink lemonade glass is so fancy!

Happy SITs Day!

Aunt Julie said...

Well, good morning to you, too! Hope you enjoy your SITS day in the Sun.

Debbie @ OtRD said...

Stopping by from SITS! What a lovely blog you have! Congrats on your day!! I'm off to see more.

confused homemaker said...

Happy SITS day!! Hope it's a great day for you:)

Kelley with Amy's Angels said...

Happy SITS day to you!

Sandy said...

Happy SITS Day! What a lovely blog. Enjoy your day!

Jane In The Jungle said...

YAY Muse, you sooooo deserve this recognition........and thanks for the lemonade!

Unknown said...

Great Blog. I will be back to check you out often and see what you have added.

Rita Templeton said...

Yum yum ... pink lemonade! And so fancy! It goes well with the blog - which I also found refreshing and delightful. :) Especially the Dr. West posts ... what the heck? I think I've got nerve exhaustion!

Happy SITS Day. Love the blog! :)

Heather @ Simple Wives said...

Love the blog!

And I'll take some of that pink lemonade! :)

Unknown said...

congrats on yout sits day from one the saucy ones! :)


Congratulations on your feature day!

Mommys Online Garage Sale said...

Happy SITS Day!

Kristin said...

Congratulations on your day in the sun! I love pink lemonade! Off to read some more.

Kelly said...

You have a great blog. Happy SITS day!

Judy @ In His Grip said...

Hope you have a great day! Lucky you!

Sarahviz said...

Enjoy your fabulous SITS day! Pass the lemonade!

JaelCustomDesigns said...

Happy SITS day to you!

Amy said...

Congrats on being the FB. Have a wonderful SITS day!

Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

Mmm I love pink lemonade.
Enjoy your sits day!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being Saucy today! It's only 7:30, but it's already hot, so that lemonade looks fabulous. Yum!

Farmgirl Paints said...

You have a beautiful family and cute blog. Congrate on your big SITS day. Hope you get LOTs of great comments:)

Carrie Ella said...

Congratulations on your special day. Enjoy the SITS sun!

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by to say "Happy SITS Day!" Cute blog btw!

Emmy said...

Congrats! I love how you feature postcards, what a great idea. Cute blog.

Audra said...

Happy SITS Day to you! I'm following you!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is so warm and welcoming looking! Happy SITS Day! :)

Anonymous said...

It's hot in Tennessee so pink lemonade sounds great right about now. I hope you enjoy your special day.

Lorie Shewbridge said...

Congratulations on being the FB - I hope you enjoy your day in the spotlight and tons of visitors!! I love your blog, esp. Dr. West. Where did you find that??? Your take on it is even funnier. Thanks for sharing those.
Have a wonderful day and angain, have fun with all your visitors!!

the planet of janet said...

happy sits day!!!

Chanda said...

Happy SITS day! I hope its a good one :)

The Whites said...

Happy SITS day! Enjoy!

Unknown said...

I love the bottle your pink lemonade is in! Can I have it? lol Happy Sits Day!

xoxoKrysten said...

Happy SITS day!!

Lift Like A Mom said...

Happy SITS day! Congrats to you. I LOVE that kind lemonade!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your big day!! I hope you get lots and lots of comment love today.

Scrappy Girl said...

Happy SITS Day!

Jingle said...

Congratulations on your SITS feature today! I just read your Palin post and I was laughing! LOL! Too funny!

Smarty Pants said...

I'm so glad you were featured so I could discover your great blog. Love it!

Karen MEG said...

What a lovely welcome, and I LOVE pink lemonade...yummm...

Mara said...

Happy SITS Day! I look forward to reading through your blog. :)

Call Me Cate said...

Enjoy your SITS day!

Katie said...

Cute bloggy! :)

The Skinny On Getting Skinny

kimert said...

Happy SITS Day!!!
That pink lemonade looks rather refreshing! :)

Stacie said...

Congrats on your SITS day. I would love some of that pink lemonade! :) Have a great day!

Abena said...

Happy SITS Day! Loving the blog, I'm off to have a better look around . . . Enjoy your day!

Tiffany said...

Yeah for you!!! Enjoy basking in the lime light. Great blog. Looking forward to nosing around.

sunshine said...

This is a very nice blog, I'm glad that SITS gives me the opportunity to find blogs like yours, love the pictures of the trees (one of my favorite living things) and love the postcard idea. Also love the picture of your chocolate lab. Have a wonderful day!!!

The Royal Family said...

cute blog. Congrats on your day! Come enter my giveaay!

Sammy said...


your blog is super cute!

Fabulous Finds Gal said...

Happy sits day to you! Thanks for the cold pink lemonade. Cute graphics!!!

Unknown said...

Enjoy your day in the "SITS-light' off to read your linked posts

Carla said...

What a lovely bloghome you have here!! Happy SITSday!!

Robbie S. Redmon, LPC said...

Thanks for the refreshing glass of lemonade. Happy SITS Day!

Stephanie said...

Happy Sits Day!!!! And thank you for the pink lemonade!!!!! :)

Karen M. Peterson said...

Happy SITS day! Looking forward to looking around a bit here. You have quite a refreshing blog.

Joanna said...

Congrats on your SITS day!!

Bethany said...

Happy SITS days! Your blog is beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS Day to You!

Kara @ His, Hers and Ours said...

Hello and congrats on your SITS day from a fellow Floridian. Can't wait to look around your gorgeous blog! ;)

Carma Sez said...

Member #1653 reporting :D Congrats on your special day!!

Unknown said...

Can you send some of that pink lemonade to Maryland? It looks SO good on a hot day! Congrats on your SITS feature day!!

Vodka Logic said...

Congrats and great blog

L x

foxy said...

Beautiful blog! Cheers to you on your day, sitsta!

Gabrielle said...

This really is a great way to meet other bloggers. I love your blog, thanks for sharing!!

Lisa Anne said...

Congrats to you. I'll have drink to you and to the SITS family and especially to Heather and Tiffany!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your day to shine in the spotlight! I love the pink lemonade picture! What a beautiful tribute to SITS and heather and tiffany! I'm going to look around!

Sturgmom said...

Happy SITS day!! Enjoy!

Jennifer said...

happy SITs day. that lemonade is my favorite!

GypsyFox said...

CONGRATS!!! love your blog, now following it! xoxo

Multiple personalities.. said...

Congrats on being the FB today! Your blog is beautiful! Enjoy your day...

Jenna Cox said...

happy feature day dahling! hope it is fabulouso!

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Awesome blog, and Congrats on sharing the spotlight with them. Just came from SITS to say hey to ya!

Enjoy the day girl!

LeLe said...

Happy SITS day to you!

Pam said...

Congrats on being SITS FB. Enjoy your day in the spotlight.

Michelle said...

Ah yes, they are the best. Congrats for being featured.

~Trish~ said...

Congrats on your day, enjoy it!!

Conquer The Monkey said...

Have a great SITS day! Your blog is gorgeous! LOVE The pink lemonade and esp. the glass :)
common sense advice for a complicated world

The Nice One said...

Happy Tuesday!

Congrats on your big day! Enjoy it! Thanks for the lemonade ;)

strokeofliving said...

Good job on being featured today through SITS. How good must you feel right now? Woo Hoo!

Krys said...

I am loving that lemonade bottle. I must have one! What kind? where'd it come from? lol.

Very nice, comfy blog. Happy SITS Day! This is my first day being a part of the "sitsterhood" very fun stuff.

Cynthia said...

Congratulations on being the featured blogger today. I look forward to exploring more of your blog. It looks like a fun one!

Sula Lee said...

Congrats on your SITS day!!

Melissa Miller said...

Happy SITS day Cynthia! Love your blog! :)

Katie Lane said...

Thanks for the beverage, happy sits day!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the yummy beverage and so nice to find your blog. Hope you will visit mine too.

The Dutch Girl said...

Happy SITS day! Wonderful read indeed...

Amanda said...

That pink lemonade looks fantastic!!


Unknown said...

Enjoy your SITS day!

New Momma Bear said...

mmmmmm thank you for hte pink lemonade :) I really needed that haha Enjoy your SITS day!!

Cafe Fashionista said...

I signed up for SITS just a few short days ago. Congratulations on being the featured blogger! :)

AP Mommy said...

Congrats on your featured day! I'll be back later this afternoon to take a look around :)

Doug and Rebecca said...

Great blog and I love your header! I'll be lurking around later this afternoon!

Eve said...

Mmm... pink lemonade! Cute glass too!

Happy SITS day!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Happy SITS Day to Mah-Velous Muse Swings!! Kisses to Dr.West!!

Corinne @ The Splendid Stuff said...

Congrats on your feature! :) Happy SITS Day!

Nicole said...

Here from SITS! Oh that lemoade looks so yummy!!!

BookLady said...

Congrats on your SITS day! Super Blog!

Brandie said...

Your blog is just plain pretty! I can't think of a better word. Congrats on being featured.

Mrs. Potts said...

Congrats on your feature!

bj said...

What a pretty blog you have!
Happy SITS Day.
Enjoy all the bloggy love..
xo bj

Anonymous said...

Love it! Happy Featured Blogger Day! Enjoy it and soak it all up :o)

AmericanTribal said...

Love your blog!! It's so pretty! Happy SITS Day!


Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Yay! It's high time we see you featured. Congratulations and thanks for the lemonade!

shortmama said...

Congrats on your day!

Valerie said...

Yummy pink lemonade!!!! Congrats on being FB today. I hope you have a great SITS day!!

Jen said...

COngratulations on your SITS day! Thank you for the sweet lemonade too. I enjoyed your sidebar and your bookshelf.. and especially the picture of you with Grandma Clara!!! Looking forward to getting to know you as one of my SITStas! COme visit me if you get a chance..


Elizabeth Howard said...

Congrats on your SITS day! Loving the pink lemonade by the way ;)

Debbie said...

Happy SITS day. I hope you are having fun.

Anonymous said...

Oh, congratulations!!! :) It is most definitely your happy day!

Be sure and pop by & leave a note & follow! :) It would really make me happy.


La Jolla Mom said...

Hi. following you now from SITS!

Kristen said...

Congrats on being a featured SITS Saucy Blogger!

Liz Mays said...

Your pink lemonade looks delicious!

Happy SITS day!

Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said...

HAPPY SITS DAY! Hope this day is super special for you!

Teresa <><


Ryan Ashley Scott said...

Happy SITS Day! Your blog is beautiful.

Amy said...

Happy Sits day to you..

The Wallace Family said...

Congrats on your SITS day!!

Unknown said...

Your blog is so inviting, I can tell already I am going to enjoy my visit. Happy SITS day.

Anonymous said...

How did you know I was craving pink lemonade?

Reeni said...

Came from SITS to say hi! Hope your having a fun day being featured!

Jennifer said...

Congrats on your SITS day!! :D

I see the Painted Veil is on your bookshelf below, have you seen the movie? I lurved that movie. :)

Deb said...

I know that I'm late. I hope that you enjoyed your day as FB.


Sweet dreams.

GFS said...

Visiting from SITS...Congratulations! Great blog!

Lisa M said...

Hope you are enjoying all the comments for your SITS Day! Congrats! I can't wait to read your featured posts :)

MuseSwings said...

I've checked in many times today to read and enjoy all of your wonderful comments on this and on the featured posts. Thank you all so much for taking time to stop by and comment. I'll do my best to pop over and check out all of your blogs over the next week or two. Now have another glass of pink lemonade, and enjoy the rest of the evening!

KK said...

Happy SITS day!

crunkyjens said...

I love your pictur at the top of your blog!! And you toasted us with Pink Lemonade, oh that is sooooo yummy! And the picture you chose, that kind looks especiall delicious!! Have a wonderful Happy Wednesday, as it's now after midnight. Perks of working the night shift, I get to toast each new day as it arrives!

tiarastantrums said...

here for your SITs feature - and thank you for the lemonade

SugarandSpice said...

Congrats on your day in the sun:)

Anonymous said...

beautiful blog! happy sits day!

Barely Domestic Mama said...

Hope you had a fabulous SITS day yesterday! Congrats!

rozzissweetpeas said...

LOL...LOL...LOL...off the chairLOL>>>LOL! hugs rozzi

Darcel said...

Happy be-lated SITS Day! I love pink lemonade :)

Toddler Crafts Onna said...

Happy Sits DAY!! Hope you enjoyed it! What a beautiful blog you have.

Amethystmoon said...

Happy belated Sits Day! I love all the images on your site. It looks like we're neighbors. I'm in Brandon/Tampa.

Chandy said...

Happy belated SITS Day to you! What a darling blog!

Unknown said...

I am a bit late but I wanted to check out your blog. Thanks for the pink lemonade. I love your header and blog name.

lilybox said...

Congratulations on your SITS day...... I guess better late than never :)

Jennifer said...

Late too. :( Congrats on your SITS day!

Cindy DG said...

dropping in to say HI from SITS :)