(Burma is now Myanmar)

Chaing Kai-shek claimed the victory. Stilwell's acerbic comment to that was:
"China has taken Burma. I'll take umbrage."
"China has taken Burma. I'll take umbrage."
I love the phrase "take umbrage". It is one of many words and phrases that are drifting into the abandoned warehouses of the English language.
Today Stilwell might have said "Well, like, you know, that dude Chaing Kai-shek goes, 'So Burma is like, you know, mine!' So I go 'Yo! You just disrespected me and I'm like, you know, feeling all dissed about it. Bummer."
Bummer is right. I take umbrage to what passes for today's version of the English language.

Before we take umbrage too far from Burma, let me just say this: Burma-shave! The brushless shaving cream supposedly contained herbs, minerals and oils from Malaysia and Burma. Thus the name.
And now a word about the word umbrage: It comes from the Latin "umber" meaning shadow. In this case the shadow is anger.

Umbrella comes from the same Latin word for shadow

Penumbra, Antumbra and umbra describe shadow phases of an eclipse as well as the darkened sunspots on the sun.
And of course, we would be remiss not to discuss the color, umber, which gets it's name from the brownish red clay in Umbria Italy. There is "raw umber", and then there is "burnt umber" which takes on a brighter reddish hue. It happens when heat is applied to raw umber. This brings other colors to mind - like sienna and burnt sienna. These come from the limonite clay in Siena, Italy. All of these are shades of brown that many of us became familiar with when we opened our first big box of Crayola Crayons.

As you can tell by this post, I'm not one to stay within the lines. Please don't take umbrage.
Instead, take a trip over to visit Beth at The Best Hearts Are Crunchy for more Postcard Friendship Friday Fun. This is Beth's 50th PFF post host!
Yup - and I remember the Burma-Shave slogans two or three words to a sign for about a mile. We learned to read while driving down the road!
Did you just play with words? ;o)
Gosh from Burma to crayons, that is a wide ranging post. A fabulous Burma Road cover, I'm envious of you owning that.
Don't take umbrage:-) but I think you have a typo, should it read Burma is now known as Myanmar (rather than Sri Lanka).
Your posts are always so much fun! Love the postcards from a country that doesn't even have that name anymore.
Thank you Joy! - It is Myanmar. I was confusing it with its next door neighbor Ceylon which is Sri Lanka. I'd like to own the first day cover, but as with most of my PFF posts I am using images of cards with kind permission of www.Cardcow.com
Happy PFF! Boy, did you say a mouthful about our language today and I love your interpretation of it. You packed a storehouse of unique information in one little post here. Thanks for sharing and all the research done.
I just love the journey from a Burmese monastery to crayons, via Queen Anne's Lace! :)
What a history lesson-thanks-it was wonderful!
The Next Time It Rains Here In Yorkshire (which it often does..) I will remember to take my Umbrage with me!
A very fun post! Learned lots of things - now all I have to do is remember them! :-) Carol
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