This massive building takes up a full two city blocks in the civic center area of San Francisco.

Reconstruction began 1913

The writer of this 1915 message appears to be a bit confused. He seems to think he is in Boston. Perhaps he is just telling a story of his whereabouts to Miss Irene - he figures she doesn't get off of Prince Edward Island all that much. He's banking that she'll not notice the postmark or check her geography book and see Boston is nowhere near San Francisco. Never was. Not before the earthquake and not after.
Construction was completed in time for the World's Panama Pacific exposition in 1915

More reconstruction was required after the 1986 earth quake caused further damage and twisted the dome 4 inches on it's base. It has since received a seismic upgrade that prevents the dome from acting like a pendulum in response to seismic waves.
View on of January 14, 2011 while I admired the beauty of the historic building in person.
105 years after the earthquake. Looks quite sturdy to me!

Here's to bridging the past and the present
Happy Postcard Friendship Friday!
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