Oh happy day! This is the birthday of Levi Strauss! He was born February 26, 1829 in Bavaria Germany. After growing up a bit, sailing with his family to the US and working with his brothers in their New York City wholesale dry goods store, Levi opened his own store in San Francisco California, calling it Levi Strauss & Co.
Among other things which he imported from the New York store, Levi sold denim fabric to tailors who made work pants for gold rush miners. It was a rugged material that withstood the rough life of the miners.

According to Wikipedia, the word "jeans" comes from the French, bleu de Genes, which means the "blue of Genoa". The same type fabric originated independently in India. There, the fabric was used to make uniforms for the Dhunga sailors - thus the term dungarees. Indigo dye was (and is) used to make the traditional blue color.

The average American owns 7 pairs of jeans. I checked my closet: I have 3 pair of jean pants, and 4 jean skirts, so I meet the average standard. None of mine are Levi brand - they are all made by Chico's. How many do you own?
As you slide your jeans on this morning for "casual day" at the office, remember to say Happy Birthday to Levi!

And, don't forget to zip over to Marie's place for more Postcard Friday fun!