Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Christmas In Bloggyland Tour!

Ho! Ho! Ho! My dear bloggyfriends and I are hosting a Christmas in Bloggyland Tour on Monday, December 15! Everyone - and that means you - is invited to participate and share your holiday spirit with your bloggyfriends - however you wish - on the 15th.

Show your decorations, your memories, stories, pictures, recipes, music, art, poetry, nature - anything -whatever you like on your Christmas in Bloggyland post for the 15th.

1. Leave a comment on this post saying you'll be there!
2. Make a copy of the invitation and post it on your blog!
3. Add the HTML back to this post
4. Tell your bloggiebuddies!

I will post the names of all of the participants on the 15th so everyone can take the Bloggyland Tour and visit all of the wonderful Christmas in Bloggyland posts!

Travel from blog to blog to see what wonderful things our bloggyfriends have done to celebrate the holidays. Leave comments! Have a wonderful adventure!

As always, the tour lasts all day and evening and covers every time zone and country!

More to follow!

I have to check some of my older comments to include all of the bloggiebud hosts who have suggested a Christmas adventure. Those I recall at the moment and those who have commented on this post include :

Muse Swings
Stevie Wren
Blicky Kitty
Shelly (Log Cabin)
Petra Michelle
Lily Hydrangia *
Tova Darling
Buttercream Cottage
Larry G
Snarky Much?
Margaret Ann
Alex and Alicia
Expressions by Devin
Call Me Cate

(I am updating this as folks reply)


larkswing said...

I don't know if my last comment came through since I could not see the verification. . .

But, this sounds like fun! Can't wait to tour!

Shelley said...

Muse - please add me and my log cabin to the fun! www.logcabininmichigan.blogspot.com

Kat Mortensen said...

I will be there for sure, but it's a sad excuse for a tree this year and Christmas spirit is in short supply (although Christmas spirits are plentiful!)


Sparky said...

Dang it!! I can't participate Cynthia!! I've got Jury Duty December 15th and will be gone all day. :o(((( *very sad face with a tear* I could put something up the night before but couldn't participate in the comments. I'm SO SORRY but duty calls. ♥ ∞

Kat Mortensen said...

Okay, Cynthia! I've got an ad on my blog now. Looking forward to it.


Linda said...

AWESOME!! Count me in, thanks Sparky for telling me..smiles and blessings

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

nanatrish said...

Please count me in!!! I have your invitation on my post today. This sounds like a wonderful trip!

MuseSwings said...

Sparky! I'm so sorry about jury duty - gotta do you duty! Perhaps when you call in on Friday night they will tell you you don't have to report - happens a lot.

Kat, Linda, YaYa and Trish! Wonderful! So glad you will all be there - Kat, great that you have plenty of Christmas spirits - me too!

Blicky Kitty said...

Oh definitely count me in! i've wasted way too much time working on a silly post tonight but will post the link tomorrow. I've got to get some good Christmas pix. hmmm....

dianasfaria.com said...

this is a great idea. I will try & make it. I will let you know for sure when it gets closer.

petra michelle; Whose role is it anyway? said...

Have I been anticipating your next bash, Muse!
Room for one more?

MuseSwings said...

Blicky, Lilly amd Petra! Wonderful! I'll wait to hear from you a little later, Lilly about whether you will be able to participate!

Elizabeth said...

This should be lots of fun!
Sign me up and thank you for hosting.

MuseSwings said...

Wonderful, Elizabeth! See you on the 15th!

Tim Atkinson said...

What a great idea! I'll be there (if only as a spectator!)

Pat said...

I hope I will be in Athens then, but not sure if I can get out of here. With all the turmoil down there, flights were cancelled yesterday. I could use scheduled posting...hmmm.

petra michelle; Whose role is it anyway? said...

Muse, I was thinking of posting scenes from favorite holiday movies on petra michelle.
*laughing* Now I just have to figure out how to do it and to disable (temporarily) my playlist.

Debby said...

I will be part of this, although you took me by surprise....the 15th?!!!! Ack. I still have to move the elliptical trainer in the back spare bedroom, which requires me to deliver some Amish furniture, which then enables me to get the Christmas stuff from the attic. Thanks, Muse, for the kick in the pants...

Anonymous said...

The 15th? Will I have my decorations up by then? Probably not, but willing to participate with festive photos and stuff. Sounds like fun, count me in.

MuseSwings said...

Dotterel and Fastfingers! Thank you so much for stopping by and for participating in the Bloggyland Tour! Dotterel - I stopped by but could not leave a comment for some unknown cyberreason - congrats on your book!

Bibi and Debby! Glad you'll be there. I wish you luck on your attempt to go to Athens, Bibi. A prepost will work if you aren't home when visitors stop by. Be sure and put all of your valuables in a safe place!

Shelley said...

Muse - I just posted your invite on my log blog! Can't wait! tearing thru my cookbooks right now!

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

I am starting a new blog but will be there. You can delete HelloMaryLou.

Patty said...

This sounds like fun, I haven't been by your blog before, so I hope you don't mind if I include myself. I found you following a link from another blog. I will have something ready on the 15th.

Annelie said...

Sounds fun!

LarryG said...

Count me in - LarryG over at http://ytfe.blogspot.com/

Thanks for doing this!

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

MuseSwings said...

OOoohhhhhh Lavinia! I have missed you! I'm so glad you will be part of this blogistoric adventure!!!

LarryG - Fantastic! Hide your valuables and your good china and be ready for a fun day.

Patty! Welcome! I'm so glad you will be joining in on this latest adventure of ours!

Buttercream cottage? Sounds delicious, I shall change you from HML to your new site

A. Thanks for visiting - it will be a fun day for sure!

Margaret Ann said...

Better late than never...count me in also! :)

Nan said...

Count me in! I'm all linked up.

MuseSwings said...

Margaret Ann and Nan! Fantastic! We will see you on Monday!

Alex and Alicia said...

Please count us in over at Waiting For Vermont: http://www.waitingforvermont.blogspot.com

I saw the post about this on Shelley's blog - sounds like a wonderful idea! Can't wait to see everyone's on Monday. :)


Barely Domestic Mama said...

Hi, I just wandered over from SITS. This sounds like a fun idea. I would love to be a part of this, too.


WhisperWood Cottage said...

I wandered over from SITS as well. Please count me in...



MuseSwings said...

Alicia! Thank you for stopping by! I'll add you and Alex to our list!

Joanne and Alvn! thank your for the SITS visit! I'm so glad you will be joining us!

Expressions By Devin said...

Hello I am new on SITS and would love to be apart of this!!!

MuseSwings said...

Expressions! Thank you for stopping in and participating in our tour! See you tomorrow!

angi_b72 said...

Sounfs like fun!! Please include me and I will post it on mu site as well!!

Call Me Cate said...

I'll be around, sign me up!

MuseSwings said...

Angi and Call Me Cate! Excellent! See you tomorrow!

Jane In The Jungle said...

I'm in, can't wait!!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Hi, I just finished my post, thank you so much for the invite, SITSta.

MuseSwings said...

Jane and Martha - welcome! I'll add you to the list!

Kelly | Fabulous K said...

Hello!! I'd love to join in...sounds like fun!

I have 2 blogs...


Happy Holidays!

Suzi said...

I would love to participate! I just posted about our holiday party so it's perfect timing! my blog is:



Cora said...

Count me in!

Aimee said...

Oh, this sounds like fun! Count me in!

Kathleen @ Measuring My Life said...

Count me in, linked to this post. :o)

Hippie Family... said...

We'll be there!

Anonymous said...

I don't really know which click-thrus I made to get to this post, but it sounds like fun and I'll get to find new blogs to read. I'd like to be a part of this!

Anonymous said...

Count me in, sounds like sooo much fun!

Anonymous said...

Count me in, I'm linking in my House Tour Post, located here! http://www.shoot-scoop.com/2008/12/14/holiday-farm-house-tour/

Anonymous said...

great post!