Grandpa always said "Grandma was the most beautiful woman in the world."
Turns out he was right.
Turns out he was right.
I did not know these beautiful pictures of my grandparents, existed until their youngest daughter, Mary, a beauty in her own right, shared them with me in July of this year. I had only known Grandpa John and Grandma Clara from more contemporary pictures, and as I remembered them in life.
Clara's Edwardian gown, though high necked and long sleeved, looks comfortable, cool and crisp to the touch. I love the material, the textures, the brightness, the tucks and lace. The beautiful roses, probably picked from the garden, look fresh and scented as roses once were.
She looks serene and content with her choice while grandpa seems to barely contain his pride and happiness with his new bride. Grandpa once shared the story of his wedding day with me. A Polish band and his groomsmen met at his house. The lively procession picked up attendees and passers by along the way as they paraded to young Clara's home. From there, John escorted Clara, her family and bridesmaids to the church. Later, and after these photos were taken, they celebrated for three days in fine Polish tradition.
They raised seven children with love and laughter through two wars and the Great Depression. Their home was the gathering place for a multitude of friends and a large family.

The picture above shows four of their seven children. (L-R) Joe, my father, will be married the following October to my mother, Delphine. He tried to join the service, but all four branches turned him down because of his eyesight. John is about to be married, will join Marines and come home safely after serving in the South Seas and then in Germany during the liberation of the concentration camps. Mary and Margaret have both taken war time jobs. Between the four of them they will have 14 children (seven of which include me and my siblings). The oldest son, George, is not in this picture - perhaps he is the one taking the picture. Two tiny daughters with blonde curly hair, Genevieve and Dorothy, died of encephalitis when they were toddlers. Aunt Margaret still cried when she spoke of them 50 years later.
Everyone is gone now, except Aunt Mary who at age 86 is still beautiful and still has her often used youthful laugh.
Stop by our host, Alan Burnett's Sepia Saturday Blog for more family photo fun.