Friday, April 10, 2009

Postcard Friendship Friday #10

I found an Easter Postcard for today's Postcard Friendship Friday The little brown chickens appear to be having an Easter worm hunt with their Mom on this lovely embossed card decorated in bright colors and gold trim.

The card was mailed from Attica, Kansas to Ottawa, Kansas on March 23, 1913. Attica, which lies about 75 miles SW of Wichita is a town of less than 600 people. There is little information about Attica on the Internet, so I checked restaurants. One came up - the Dari Cone on W. Avenue. If you plan to go there, eat first.

Ottawa Kansas, a city of 12,000 was founded on September 6, 1864. It was located in the midst of the Ottawa Indian Reservation and is about 150 miles NE of Wichita. The town was incorporated in 1866 and rail service arrived on January 1, 1868. Wikipedia says that the Ottawa tribe donated land for the town. Donated is such an interesting word here.

Among the accommodations listed is the Scrapbook Inn Bed and Breakfast. Click there for pictures of the three rooms - all with with tropical themes. It is a get-a-way dream for scrapbookers and is located just 3 blocks from a scrapbooking store. Several restaurants are listed in Ottawa, including Allegre's Pharmacy & Lunch Counter.

The message on the postcard reads:

March 23, 1913

Attica Kan.

My dear Galdys (sic)

I was very glad to get your card. Papa got home yesterday noon. Well, are all well.
I have got to go now to practice for Easter.

Write soon

With Love,

I did a search on Gladys Keith in Ottawa KS and found her listed as a graduate of Ottawa High School in 1920 which would make her about 9 or 10 when the postcard was written. Ethel's handwriting appears to be that of a child as well. Perhaps they were cousins or best friends parted by a family move.

Were these not children, and were this not Good Friday, I would be tempted to write my usual back story. There are lots of possibilities - what with the Easter program and all. Instead I will meditate on the meaning of Easter. I'll also pay another visit to the Scrapbook Inn website to check out that Blue Hawaii Room. Tempting. Maybe order some carryout from the drug store, and look up the word for donate in the Ottawa language.

For more Postcard Friendly Friday fun, visit our host Marie of Voila, Vintage Postcards! She has links to all of the PFF participants.


Paul van Yperen said...

Wonderful art déco-like postcard. Sweet observations. I love your posts.

Pat said...

Such a lovely postcard. I like anything with violets on it. And your story makes viewing it all the more meaningful.

papel1 said...

Your comments make me want to do more research on the postcards I have. I do sometimes type in the senders name or who it is addressed to on google and sometimes something of interest does come up.

Marie Reed said...

I wonder how she practices for Easter? I am currently practicing myself by eating a cadbury cream egg!

Four-eyed-missy said...

Nice card.
It reminds me of what I loved doing when I was younger, I used to write to penpals and friends who I left behind when we moved to another city.
Btw, I don't know if you have read my previous posts but I did mention about sending you a postcard for answering correctly the Greek products showcased in the FDC I posted in my blog. I would send one to you and please, if alright with you, leave me a message in my blog.

Postcards Crossing

Sheila said...

Lovely card. I, too, wonder how Ethel would practise for Easter!

Linda said...

HAPPY PFF!!! Nice card. blessings

ChaChaneen said...

Beautiful! I wish companies would bring back this art work, lurve it! Happy Easter blessings my friend!

Daryl said...

Fun ... I love inventing backstories for photos, I can see where this would be even more fun, perhaps easier with a postcard. Happy Easter.

Elizabeth said...

Happy Easter.
This is a delightful seasonal card!

Chris Overstreet said...

Wow, nicely done, tracking down the card's recipient. What I always like about old postcards is that you could address it to a name and a city, and it would get there. Probably within a day.

Sea Angels said...

What a story,,,and beautiful card
I loved what you wrote me..made me smile big timexxxxx
You are lovely
Hugs Lynn xx

Evelyn Yvonne Theriault said...

When I viewed the large version of the card it looked quite textured. Does the card really textured or is it just a special effect?
Evelyn in Montreal

Sparky said...

Cute card. We have lots of chickens around here what with living in the country and all. They are fun to watch.
Happy Passover and Good Friday! :o)

Catherine said...

I find this postcard very modern for 1913 ! It could be printed many years after. That's a great find for today special PFF.
Looking at the bed and breakfast, I was just saying to myself that there are many thick duvets on the beds for calling the bedrooms "TropicaL" "Hawaï" and "Paradise" : )

And I'm very pleased you managed to enter in my blog, and leave me a comment. Hope it will work for next weeks !
Have a nice week-end, Muse Swings.

Kat Mortensen said...

I had no idea there was an Ottawa, Kansas. I did a double take for a second there.


Have a Happy Easter, Cynthia!

Unknown said...

Love the Whimsical Worm Hunt image... and the Violets are an added bonus for me! Beautiful...

Of course, now I'm pondering ways to "practice" Easter! Hope yours is wonderful...

Margo said...

Very interesting. Thanks for researching the background. I love knowing something about these people.

The Blue Hawaii room sounds tempting... I wonder if they serve those drinks that look like window cleaner. Hope you have a marvelous and blessed Easter!

Aimee said...

I love the background info! You are quite the researcher.
I wonder if I, too, should be practicing for Easter?? Well, maybe I'll just wing it this year!

Eddy said...

Your postcards are always interesting by the history.
Thank you, happy PPF and happy Easter.

Jeanne Estridge said...

Lovely card. I was hoping for one of your yarns, but I agree that this might be a time for other pursuits.

Adrienne said...

Practice for Easter? Do you think meditating on the reason for Easter is the same? If so, we should practice Easter everyday! Very sweet!

steviewren said...

Ethel's spelling of Galdys tickles me. Poor thing, she could have used spell check.

Postcardy said...

An interesting design, but a little strange. I guess she meant practicing for an Easter program, but it is funnier if you think of her practicing to be an Easter bunny.

Müge Tekil said...

An unusual, interesting and beautiful Easter postcard! I’m also impressed to see once again the huge data storage on the internet! You clicked and found information of Gladys Keith from Ottowa Kansas and she became a concrete personality for us! Incredible!

Happy Easter to you and all your family!
